来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/19 22:13:39
"If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"迎着冬风,我思考着.Meet winter wind, I was thinking about.不禁想起了灾区的小朋友.Can not help but think of the disaster area of the kids.在那次地震以后,给他们的身体留下了无法弥补的伤害,也给他们的心灵留下了无法愈合的伤口.After the quake, give their bodies left irreparable damage, also give their heart left unhealed wound.但他们的春天又在哪里呢?But their spring and in where?在寒冷的冬天里,他们是否有一件能够保暖的衣服呢?In a cold winter, whether they have a can warm clothes?………. . 终于,机会来了.Finally, the opportunity came.原来我们学校组织同学们为灾区献一份爱心,拿出还好一点的可以保暖的衣物给灾区的小朋友.For our school students have organized for the disaster area offered a love, is a bit more out of can warm clothes to disaster areas of the kids.这件事情在学校有了积极响应.This thing has a positive response in school.我更是激动无比.I more excited and clinking. 星期四那一天,我早早地起来收拾衣服,妈妈也起来陪我一起收衣服.Thursday that one day, I went to pick up up clothes, mother also up with me accept clothes.妈妈从衣柜里拿出一件她才买的衣服,塞到我的口袋里“妈,这衣服你才买,咋就捐了呢?”Mother from the wardrobe took out a she just buy clothes, plugs to my pocket "mama, the clothes you just bought, zha contributed?"“咳,不要紧.反正买了不穿,还不如捐给灾区,为灾区的人们尽尽自己的义务!”"Well, it doesn't matter. It bought don't wear as to the disaster area, the disaster areas people do do our duty!"妈妈解释道.Mother explained.经过了半个多小时的准备,我带着一包鼓鼓囊囊的袋子来到了教室,便看见同学们拎着大包小包地走进教室.After half an hour of preparation, I took a pack of drum drum bag bag came to the classroom, saw the students carry suit cases to into the classroom. “现在请同学们拿出自己捐赠的衣物,到我这来登记!”"Now please students out of the donated his clothes, to me this to register!"谭老师发话了,同学们一边提着衣服,一边争先恐后地举起手来,一只只胖乎乎的小手如雨后春笋般冒出来.Tan teacher yelled, students side carry clothes, while beating a raise a hand, each chubby little hand springing up come out. 不一会儿,讲台上已经堆满了大包小包的衣服.Not and in a short while, the platform has filled the suit cases clothes.“杨欢上来!”"YangHuan come up!"我提着袋子走了上去.I carry bag go up.“几件棉衣?”"A few warm clothes?"“七件!”"Seven pieces!"我自信满满地回答,“还有两件毛衣!”I'm confident answer, "and two sweaters!"“好,下去吧!”"Well, it!"我把袋子放在讲台上,心想:“我肯定是最多的!”I put the bag on the platform, thought: "I must be the most!"后来,老师叫我们把衣服提到捐赠那里.Later, the teacher told us that the clothes donation there.“报告!”"Report!"“进来!”"Come in!"眼前的景象让我大吃一惊,面对如山似的衣服,我们这几包显得多么微不足道.The scene before surprised me, face a mountain like clothes, we this several pack is how insignificant. 灾区的小朋友们.The disaster area the children.我相信,有了我们这些四面八方的人的支持和关爱,你们的春天不远了!I believe that with the us these all sides of the people support and care, and your spring not far!“团结就是力量,团结是金,团结是刚………..”"Unity is strength, unity is gold, the unity is just."这首团结之歌一直在我的耳边回荡,回荡………This first song of unity has been in my ears, echoed. 追问: 太长了老大. 回答: 我的天啊,你不会自己剪切下么?都送到家了还不会!