
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 19:05:57


You should to pick up the goods ASAP,or it will causes storage charge.I must stress that we have paid all the charges and our forwarder is OK,the problem is at the business connection between our forwarder and the shipping agent,which resulting in a problem of who should bear the fees.In principle,however,you should bear all the fees,but we want to solve the problem quickly for you,i.e.we will pay 100,the forwarder pay 100 and you will pay for the remains.

You need to take delivery of the goods, not to mention the will produce the warehousing fee. I want to emphasize one point, I'm all expenses paid, I freight forwarding operation is no problem. The pro...


You need to take delivery of the goods, not to mention the will produce the warehousing fee. I want to emphasize one point, I'm all expenses paid, I freight forwarding operation is no problem. The problem is I forwarding and proxy forwarding problems in business transfer, leading to know who should bear the cost of. However, in principle, these costs should you take, we hope to help you solve the problem, I paid 100, freight pay 100, the remaining costs you care.满意请采纳。


You get to pick up the goods, don't mention will produce the storage charges.I want to emphasize that all the charges will be paid on my side, I don't have the forwarding operation problem.The problem...


You get to pick up the goods, don't mention will produce the storage charges.I want to emphasize that all the charges will be paid on my side, I don't have the forwarding operation problem.The problem is that my our forwarder and agent problems on switching operations, leading to did not know who will bear the cost.In principle, however, these costs should assume you, now we want to help you solve the problem, I pay 100, cargo paid 100, the rest of the fees you care. 差不多可以翻译成这样


英语翻译你赶紧提货吧,再不提会产生仓储费的.我要强调一点,我这边所有的费用都付过了,我的货代操作也没有问题.问题在于我的货代和代理货代在业务交接上出现了问题,导致费用不知该由 仓储费用用英语怎么说? 英语翻译报关费,换单费,海关查验费,查验服务费,商检费,机场服务费,运输费,进出库费,仓储费,汇款手续费 “在收到你的提货通知货后,她会立刻通知你提货地址的.”中译英 英语翻译说实话,你的女朋友确实很漂亮,很有女人味,不过,赶紧好好珍惜吧,不然的话,会被别的男人抢走的. 英语翻译赶紧 英语翻译我们已经安排下个星期一下午去提货,详细细节mousse会跟你联系.另外请问空运费用是引用RFQ吗?如果是,请发我最新的RFQ表格 英语翻译人民币是190+67 不含税 海运费给你-70美金 但是,亲,需要目的港提货之后才能给你哦海运费给你-70美金又是什么意思?那人说忙 下午再聊 但是我现在就想知道的说 英语翻译赶紧来人帮偶翻译吧 英语翻译1甲方应当在发货前6个月通知乙方发货.2若由于甲方原因延迟交货,那么由此产生的仓储费等损失应由甲方承担.3乙方在签订合同后7天内,向甲方提供的一份合同总价即USD10金额的百分 为什么振动能够产生声波?而声波又是什么?泽五令 连声波你都不知道是如何产生的 你赶紧滚吧! 英语翻译2.从货物上飞机开始起运,只要3天就到你们国家了,如果你见运单才付款,有可能货到了,钱我还没收到.没收到全款,我们不能放货,货就必须留在机场,到时还会有仓储费.3.请你参照PI上所 英语翻译目的港(destination port)一般只有7天的免费箱使,你没有清关资料是没办法提货的,货物停在港口上时间越长,产生各项费用就越多.所以我希望你无论如何,一定要这周把款付上. 会的赶紧来答吧! 英语翻译谁知道,赶紧 求英语翻译 如果你再不给我充话费,我就停机了 英语翻译你的订单已收到,我们会在你要求的时间内发货,具体日期待船期确认后再通知.另外,订单17657已安排在12月9日提货,ETD是12月12日,预计7天会到香港,以上信息供参考. 英语翻译“你终于出现了,你如果再不出现,我都快把你忘了.”把这句翻译成英文~