the period of time when some one is an intern the position held by an intern 翻译这两句
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 03:54:42
the period of time when some one is an intern the position held by an intern 翻译这两句
the period of time when some one is an intern the position held by an intern 翻译这两句
the period of time when some one is an intern the position held by an intern 翻译这两句
一个人作为实习生的那段时间 (the period of time when someone is an intern)
一名实习生的工作岗位 (the position held by an intern)
what's the difference between'over a period of time'and 'during a period of time'?
between the time period of怎么用between the time period of xxxx to xxxx还是xxxx and xxxx
over a period of time
Long period of time, human beings put themselves on the center of the univer
商务英文翻译Revenue: Result from the sales of products or service for a period of time.Expense: Costs incurred to generate revenues for a period of time.
英语翻译 over a period of time
是a period of time 还是times?
用 take..(period of time)造句
Why silent for a period of time
you owe me a period of time
a seemingly endless period of time?
the period of obsession是什么意思?
与between the time period of相似的短语或句型
The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.
Is there a situation that the white color PSP becomes yellow after a period of time
long run is the period of time in which all inputs are variable翻译
英语翻译periods of negotiation the process of negotiation includes a series of time scales.The first time scale is a period during which the negotiation must prepara for the negotiation and effect the initial contact.The second period follows dur
The passage of any particular period of time will not extinguish the need to请给予翻译