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History of Pasta
If you hear the word pasta,you think Italy,but it’s said that pasta actually goes back to the Etruscans (400 B.C.).It is believed that they used to prepare the first lasagna made of spelt which is a cereal like wheat,but far more resistant against bad weather and diseases.(An Etruscan tomb,found 48 kilometers north of Rome,showed a group of natives making what appears to be pasta).
Later years,the Romans made lagane (A kind of lasagna).Lagane was a very simple dough made of water and flour.Lagane is still used today in the Center and South of Italy to call some kind of pasta.Greek mythology suggests that the Greek God Vulcan invented a device that made strings of dough (the first spaghetti!)
But what about the belief that the Great Venetian Explorer,Marco Polo,brought pasta to Italy?When Marco Polo was in the East in 1279 a.d.the will of Ponzio Baestone,a Genoan soldier,was drafted.In this will he requested "bariscella peina de macarone" – a small basket of … maccheroni!This all happened 16 years before Marco Polo returned from China.
In the 11th century,the Arabs brought pasta around the Mediterranean basin,but spread to Italy due to the very agreeable climate.Then,in the 17th century in Naples,pasta with Tomato arrived in Europe after America was discovered.
Although pasta became very popular,it didn’t go onto the princes’ tables,because since it’s discovery it was eaten using hands.It was near 1700 that one of King Ferdinand II’s chamberlains had the bright idea of using a fork with 4 short prongs,that became a common practice.Since then pasta was also served during the Court’s banquets all over Italy,and from here its world tour began.
The U.S.President Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) loved pasta and made it known all over the United States.It seemed that he fell in love with a certain dish he sampled in Naples while he served as the U.S.Ambassador to France.In fact,he promptly ordered crates of "maccheroni",along with a pasta-making machine to be send back to the States.
In the beginning of the last century,the first,rudementary,machines for its mass-production started in Naples.But why in Naples?Because the most important moment of its production is the drying process.Naples’ surroundings and hinterland were offering the ideal environment for this production.Today modern technology allows the standardisation of pasta production and the reproduction of the ideal climatic conditions,so pasta’s production spread out in a lot of Nations.
This overall reproduction makes pasta the most known Italian food all around the world.

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