
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 22:05:39


Circulating in the American Indian in an ancient legend:There are 13 ancient crystal skull,can speak,sing.The crystal skull hidden inside on human origins and death information,can help unravel the mystery of life in the universe.According to legend,people need to December 21,2012 prior to find all the skulls.That day is already a 5126-year cycle of the end of the Mayan calendar.Unless the 13 skulls together and then placed in the correct position,otherwise the planet will fly axis.Only then do the supernatural power of the skull in order to save the Earth.
Scientists once made crystal skull and a true comparison of the human skull,found that apart from a little biased towards the human eye characteristics of the normal range,other parameters are related to the real difference between the human skull has been no.We know,modern optics arises from 17 century,and human and accurate understanding of their bone structure is the rise of eighteenth-century anatomy for the future.The crystal skull is very understanding of human bone structure and optical based on the principle of carved,and over a thousand years ago,Maya is how to grasp these profound knowledge of anatomy and optics it?
Crystal skull is said to have a hypnotic feature that if he let a crystal skull's eyes are fixed on Office,there are not many people will feel drowsy,the skull is the Mayan legend of surgery for patients when the patients used hypnosis.

我要未解之谜中的有关水晶头骨的英文版最好稍微长一点 水晶头骨之谜 玛雅人水晶头骨之谜 水晶头骨的英文介绍 看了 水晶头骨之谜 后有点‘想法’看了教研纪实系列中的一部:‘水晶头骨之谜’(还有‘废墟的真相’‘人类曾经被毁灭’等等)可能你们会说我UFO 科幻书籍看多了 但不可能这么多书中 《水晶头骨之谜》,是真的吗那我们现在是第五个太阳纪吗 谁知道水晶头骨 水晶头骨之谜求解释.有这么一条消息,说2012年只有中国西部和非洲部分人存活,什么水晶头骨之谜.这是谣言还是事实? 谁知道水晶头骨的事情?水晶头骨的来源,作用,以及传说~具体这种水晶头骨的作用以及来源?有什么特殊的含义? 关于水晶头骨之谜听说挺好看.但是是恐怖小说吗?有没有恐怖因素? 水晶头骨是玛雅人制造的还是埃及人制造的? 古玛雅人流传于世的水晶头骨共有 关于水晶头骨水晶头骨的说法我是很相信的,不过我买的那本书上有写2014年会怎样.想问一下了解这方面的人.关于玛雅文化的事, 水晶头骨到底是真的还是假的?传说中发现了几个水晶头骨?看了很多相关的回答,但是没有弄懂~ 《水晶之心》观后感要话剧《水晶之心》的观后感!5分钟之内给我! 水晶的英文怎么说 水晶头骨是真是假 玛雅人从地球上一下子消失的真的吗? 古玛雅人流传于世的水晶头骨谁知道?因为现在没有人会知道!水晶头骨会说话,聚集13个头骨就可以知道全人类的历史包括史前文明!