英语语法超级纠结中1 He was excited To such an degree that he couldn’t sleep last night.改成so/such...that 是To such an degree was he excited that he couldn’t sleep last night.2 The boy is interested in such a lovely toy that his paren

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/06 00:34:36

英语语法超级纠结中1 He was excited To such an degree that he couldn’t sleep last night.改成so/such...that 是To such an degree was he excited that he couldn’t sleep last night.2 The boy is interested in such a lovely toy that his paren
1 He was excited To such an degree that he couldn’t sleep last night.
改成so/such...that 是
To such an degree was he excited that he couldn’t sleep last night.
2 The boy is interested in such a lovely toy that his parents decide to buy it for him.
若这句要改成such ...that倒装的话 是
Such a lovely toy is the boy interested in that his parents decide to buy it for him.
In such a lovely toy is the boy interested that his parents decide to buy it for him.
之所以有这样的疑问是因为 1中的 介短To such an degree 是做句子的程度状语的,为一整体,一块移至句首.而2中的 be interested in是个固定用法,到底in要不要也移到句首呢?be interested in sth 虽为固定,但就句子成分划分,in sth 是不是也是做谓语 be interested的状语的呢?到底这种 be+ adj+ perp sth 是如何划分的?“be+ adj+ perp是 谓语 sth是 宾语?”还是“ be+ adj 是谓语 perp sth 是状语” 另外还有 ,那定语从句中介词怎么能即可放在that/which前面,也可放在定语从句的后面呢?

英语语法超级纠结中1 He was excited To such an degree that he couldn’t sleep last night.改成so/such...that 是To such an degree was he excited that he couldn’t sleep last night.2 The boy is interested in such a lovely toy that his paren
答:你的问题很好,但又很不好 回答.
我们知道,介词单独不作句子成分,必须加上名词词组构成介词短语才能作句子的成分(1.状语、2.定语、3、补语(包括表语)) 我们又知道,有些不及物动词加上一个介词后可以组成一个短语动词,相当于一个及物动词,如:look for his wallet .大家都将look for 看成一个整体,一个意群,而不看作:look for his wallet .其实你非要这么去理解,也未尝不可:为了他的钱包,到处在看.(这种思维,对于记忆look for是“寻找”,也是有益处的)
象汉语字谜问题:什么食品吃得开?---罐头食品(吃得开).这后面一句,通常的思路是:罐头食品 吃得开.特别的的思路:罐头食品,吃 得开.(当然这是文字游戏,猜字谜常用)
再来看你的问题:sb.is interested in sth.通常的思路是:Sb.is interested in sth.
但English speakers中,可能也有跟我们汉语思维一样的理某人 对某事 感兴趣:Sb.is interested in sth.
你上面的两句中,to与后面的结合较紧,in 与be interested结合较紧.还是习惯自然吧.
2 The boy is interested in such a lovely toy that his parents decide to buy it for him.
若这句要改成such ...that倒装的话 是
Such a lovely toy is the boy interested in that his parents decide to buy it for him.
In such a lovely toy is the boy interested that his parents decide to buy it for him.
感觉这题句是生造的,such ...that...中That从句是结果状语从句.感觉前后句没有这样的逻辑.
the boy is so interested in ...that his parents .有可能.(逻辑思维上还是有跳跃)父母决定给他买,其实是因为爱他.是爱他的结果,非也感兴趣的结果.

您好,您说的such 。。。 that引导的结果状语从句可以倒装是对的
但是您要明白是: He was excited to such an degree that he couldn’t sleep last night.中,作状语的是 to such an degree that he couldn’t sleep last night这个结果状语从句,而不单单是
to su...


您好,您说的such 。。。 that引导的结果状语从句可以倒装是对的
但是您要明白是: He was excited to such an degree that he couldn’t sleep last night.中,作状语的是 to such an degree that he couldn’t sleep last night这个结果状语从句,而不单单是
to such an degree。那它倒装的时候也是同理的。
The boy is interested in such a lovely toy that his parents decide to buy it for him.
我们一般是不提前的,因为 be interested in 是一个整体,把介词提前的话就破坏了整体,如过您非要,提前的话也不是不可取的。(所以您理解的in+the toy是状语虽牵强,但也是可以这样理解的。)
但是为了保持完整,还是建议您不要提前。(所以也就没有您in+the toy是状语那样的理解了)
1 主语+谓谓+主语补足语(主语补足语就是补充主语的成分)。这个大句式中最为常见的是(主语+系动词+表语,这里系动词作句子谓语动词,它既不属于及物动词,也不属于不及物动词,介于两者之间)
如 He is a student。
2 主语+谓语+宾语(这里的谓语是及物动词,且有被动形式)
如:He likes apples
3 主语+谓语(这里是谓语是不及物动词,没有被动形式。如果动词后要加名词代词等或相应词组,我们要在它们之间加一个介词)
如 He cries 。
He cries for his dead pet
4 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(这里的谓语动词是及物动词)
如 he gives his mother a gitf(他给了妈妈一件礼物,其中his mother 为直接宾语,a gift为间接宾语)=He gives a gift to his mother(即把直接宾语提前的话,要在两个宾语之间加个介词,这里我们加了介词to)
5 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语(谓语动词为及物动词)
He makes his mother happy (happy补充宾语,所以我们称之为宾语补足语)
ps 其他陈述句的句式都可以看作这五大句式转化而来的。
He was excited to such an degree that he couldn’t sleep last night.首它由两句话组成,一个是主句、一个是从句。
主句是 He was excited 主系表结构,句式一
从句是 to such an degree that he couldn’t sleep last night。
结果状语从句由(such 。。。that)表示excited的程度
The boy is interested in such a lovely toy that his parents decide to buy it for him
这个句式同样是 主系表结构的变式,主干就算
The boy is interested in a lovely toy 。such。。。 that。。。同样引导状语从句



英语语法超级纠结中1 He was excited To such an degree that he couldn’t sleep last night.改成so/such...that 是To such an degree was he excited that he couldn’t sleep last night.2 The boy is interested in such a lovely toy that his paren EX:He seems ( ) worried about something.A:is B:/ C:was以上三个选项中,括号上要填哪一个,为什么?整句话翻译成中文是什么意思? 英语翻译超级纠结中Being much too fat ,Marie was advised to reduce her food for each meal,yet she would have none of that.三种翻译纠结中1.由于实在太胖了,建议玛丽每顿饭都少吃些,但她什么也没吃.2.由于实在太 纠结中. 一道英语语法题,想不通的.纠结中.The coffee is wonderful!It dosen't taste like anything I _____before.A was having B have C have ever D had ever had 而且我答案确实没错。我很纠结啊。 EX Works 中EX指什么的缩写, 英语语法I suppose that is why he came to me when he went broke, that and the fact that he was a namesake of mine.中(that and the fact第一个that怎么解释)?求高手解答 英语语法I suppose that is why he came to me when he went broke,that and the fact that he was a namesake of mine.中(that and the fact)第一个that怎么解释? DNF中EX是什么意思 英语语法:He is the man whose car was stolen .这句话whose是什么用法 英语语法. he was seating next the window有什么语法错误吗 求当x趋向于负无穷时(1+x)ex/(ex-1)的极限,式中ex为e的x次幂 1.Now we are in a position ____we have to work as we are told to.A.which.B.when.C.where.D.that2.I knew it was useless ____with my father,for he wouldn't change his mind.A.argued.B.having argued.C.arguing第一题在C,D中纠结第二个在BC中纠结 英语语法:When he was finished.这句话有无多重含义?有无歧义?为什么不用When he finished. 求极限 lim x趋近于0 (ex-1)/x那个ex-1 中 x是x次方哟 一道英语填词题(初中)帮忙做下Mr.Grey was the manager of a small company in London.He lived in the c (1) .and came up to work by train .He liked walking from the station to his o (2) unless it was r (3) ,because it gave him some ex ex 几个英语语法题目,看下面1、It’s can’t have been his son,He was in American at that time.此句中“can’t have been “ 的语法?2、Some computer games are a bit like plays ——you have characters playing different roles.此句