请分别解释remained undisturbed这两个单词在句子中的意思,解释over the years的意思.The plane wasn't too badly damaged,but over the years,the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 05:25:15

请分别解释remained undisturbed这两个单词在句子中的意思,解释over the years的意思.The plane wasn't too badly damaged,but over the years,the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed.
请分别解释remained undisturbed这两个单词在句子中的意思,解释over the years的意思.
The plane wasn't too badly damaged,but over the years,the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed.

请分别解释remained undisturbed这两个单词在句子中的意思,解释over the years的意思.The plane wasn't too badly damaged,but over the years,the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed.
remained undisturbed是remain的一个用法,就是remain 后面加一个adj或表示状态的词,表示持续这种状态,undisturbed是disturbed的反义词,是不被打扰的意思,remained undisturbed就是保持着不被打扰的状态,
over the years意思是,很多年,over本身有完结过的意思,在这里说years之多



请分别解释remained undisturbed这两个单词在句子中的意思,解释over the years的意思.The plane wasn't too badly damaged,but over the years,the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed. 请分别解释原理 魔方到底有几种?请分别解释解释. 请分别解释军政训政宪政 There are only ten minutes____ A.remained B.remaining C.remains D.being remained请讲理由 高手帮忙解释一下这道题~~~拜托!xiexie ~~~Although,she has been transferred to Mexico City ,Ms Vaxter and her former colleagues at the New York branch-----in contact.A remainB remainsC remainingD has remained请详细的解释 请解释这句话中的of的用法.A good deal of physical capital remained; and of the roads, railways and factories that had been destroyed, much could be quickly rebuilt. 请解释一个计算机名词:“帧”,请分别解释“帧”的名称/用途/分类, remain的用法还有remaining,remained,分别什么用法什么注意点?急啊,谢谢 请分别解释“近代化”在经济、政治上的含义 请帮我分别解释下芳香烃和芳香烃化合物 判断某酸是几元酸如H3PO4,HNO3,H2Cr2O7,请分别解释,谢谢 急~为什么选择A?请分别解释各个选项谢谢! 请问立竿见影,和急功近利意思一样吗,请分别解释. analog disc 和compact disc请分别解释下. 中贻厥嘉猷,什么意思?请分别解释每一个字! 请分别和对比解释下“通识性”和“共识性”.有权威解释最好 孵蛋、孵化、孵育分别代表什么意思?请分别给予确切的解释,