请教英语问题(灌水,抄袭勿入,谢谢)Today I habe to go to work by bus because my car___ at the garage.为什么选is being repaired而不选has been repaired?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/07 14:46:12

请教英语问题(灌水,抄袭勿入,谢谢)Today I habe to go to work by bus because my car___ at the garage.为什么选is being repaired而不选has been repaired?
Today I habe to go to work by bus because my car___ at the garage.为什么选is being repaired而不选has been repaired?

请教英语问题(灌水,抄袭勿入,谢谢)Today I habe to go to work by bus because my car___ at the garage.为什么选is being repaired而不选has been repaired?
如果用has been repaired是现在完成时,那就说明车已经修好了.那你还要坐公交车去上学,与前句矛盾.

请教英语问题(灌水,抄袭勿入,谢谢)Today I habe to go to work by bus because my car___ at the garage.为什么选is being repaired而不选has been repaired? 请教一道减数分裂的题(灌水,抄袭勿入谢谢)第9题,请问怎么判断谢谢 请教一道生物题(灌水抄袭勿入谢谢)http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=eSam3QYV5c_HVKWsm6MjEKCtre2bi-GXVVRryGILHknZsFJGpZf11B1zG8Hz2Jlf4FLG7V5EpqbiIwMrBrAgvVyrDFNY8utG0AS236Z2AQW第9题,请问怎么判断谢谢 请教一道英语题(灌水抄袭勿入,What we have said ________ her so happy.A.makes B.to makeC.made D.has made请问其它选项为什么不对, 请教一道英语选择题(灌水,抄袭勿入,The south was attacked by such a big sonw___few people had ever experienced before.A.as B.and C.that D.which 请教一个英语选择题(抄袭,灌水勿入,Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003,_____ he studied very hard and was made chairman of the Students’ Union.A.during which time B.for which time C.during whose time D.by that tim 请教一道物理题(抄袭灌水勿入谢谢)其中A选项,θ增大,那么是传送带的长度不变,即C的高度也增大,还是C的高度不变,传送带长度减小?物块可能一直匀加速,也可能先匀加速,后匀速. 请教一道英语选择题(灌水,抄袭勿入,—I think 20 dollars for it is OK.—No,I’d gladly pay _____ for it.A.twice as much B.three times of what C.the price twice D.as much three times 请教一道英语选择题(灌水勿入)-Shall we go out for a meal tonight?-__________.We haven’t been out for ages.A.No bother B.That’s all right C.Not really D.I’d love to请问BD改选哪个?为什么? 紧急求助物理题在线等(灌水,抄袭勿入,谢谢)如图,O是一固定的点电荷,另一点电荷P从很远处以初速度v0射入点电荷O的电场,仅在电场力作用下的运动轨迹如曲线MN所示.a、b、c是以O为中心、Ra 紧急求助物理题(灌水,抄袭勿入,谢谢)请问这个题目我电场线有没有画错?我觉得应该是这样画的,否则没法垂直,但是这个题目的B选项,答案的解析说“由电场线分布情况可知a点场强小于b点 请教一道物理题(抄袭,灌水勿入,在静电场中,将一正电荷从a点移到b点,电场力做了负功,则(  )A.b点的电场强度一定比a点大B.电场线方向一定从b指向aC.b点的电势一定比a点高D.该电荷的 【请教】几道高中英语语法选择题(主要非谓语),请帮忙解析一下,小弟不胜感激,灌水勿入,在线等答~1._______ all night in such cold weather caused her to suffer from a high fever and terrible cough.(正解A 错选D 虚心地请教 英语怎么说虚心地请教问题英语怎么说呢?谢谢~ 上帝有哪些属性?(不懂勿要灌水,我从不灌水,也讨厌灌水) 请教高一英语问题,求达人解答(单选) 请教数学问题,答案及详解,谢谢 1、用猪心做灌水试验,要想使水从主动脉流出,应将水注入( ).