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只是一条Basic程序语言(Visual Basic for Applications),你找一个计算机方面的同学看看吧.
15th Apr 2004
Hi all,
I am using Exel 97 and I am trying to put a macro together that
refreshes a pivot table after new data is inputted.The data and the
pivot table is in worksheet 1.The pivot table can change size depending
on the number of cells with data in it.I have set up a button (or
should I say Exel automatically set up a button) called
"CommandButton1".This links to the following VBA:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
When I press the button I receive the following message:
Run time error '1004':
RefreshTable method of PivotTable class failed.
I have looked up some older threads and it looks like I am inputting the
correct coding but obviously I am not.
Someone's assistance will be greatly appreciated.



ActiveSheet.PivotTables(PivotTable2).RefreshTable 英语翻译b = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Countc = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.CountFor i = 14 To bFor j = 1 To cmystr = ActiveSheet.Cells(i,j).Valuemystr = Trim(mystr)ActiveSheet.Cells(i,j).Value = mystrNextNext ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(4.5,16.5,54,16.5)后面的数字 ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:=3,Link:=1,DisplayAsIcon:=False,_ IconFileName:=False是什么意思 下面的几条语句可不可以用一条语句来概括完成?ActiveSheet.Cells(a,b).Interior.ColorIndex = 3ActiveSheet.Cells(a+2,b+2).Interior.ColorIndex = 3ActiveSheet.Cells(a+3,b+3).Interior.ColorIndex = 3ActiveSheet.Cells(a+3,b+5).Interior.Colo 我要在VB 中定义一个全局的循环变量假设为q,假设在Form3.Label1.Caption = objExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(q,4).Value中q的值为13,那么在Form5.Label1(1).Caption = objExcel.ActiveSheet.Cells(q,6).Value中q的值也要为13,该如何 求VBA的计算公式ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = =COUNTA( & CStr(ActiveSheet.Range(H + CStr(i + 1)).Value) & CStr(StartRow) & : & CStr(ActiveSheet.Range(H + CStr(i + 1)).Value) & CStr(i) & ) 上面的公式,当i=10,StartRow=2,H列的值是P时 activesheet与worksheet()区别是什么啊?1.在做VBA编程.可是关于“ActiveSheet”与“worksheet(XXX)”的区别不是很清楚.请帮忙区分一下二者的区别.2.向指定在“Example001”中添加线段,如何修改下面语句 帮我解释一下下面每一句的意思!谢谢!Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address $C$2 Then Exit Sub On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.Shapes(pic).Select Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.UserPicture _ for each .in .语句 请赐教我这样写错在哪里?它还是照样把空白单元格错误的当成0值显示.for each c in activesheet.usedrange.cells if c.value then if cells(a,b)=cells(a,b+1) thenCells(a,b).Interior.ColorIndex = 6Cells(a,b +