
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/25 12:35:40


With the remarkable development of Sichuan City,the hotel industry of this city has also attracted more attention.During the 20 years of reforming and opening up,the hotel industry of Sichuan has made a great progress in spite of lots of difficulties.Entering the 21st century,Sichuan's hotel industry has inevitably met many challenges,especially in the competition with foreign hotel industry.To change this situation and become a famous brand in the world,we must make constant effort to improve our competitiveness.
We must realize that the development of the group needs brand,and only in the large-scale development can the brand establish its influence and foster the customers' fidelity to it.We must establish the brand image,expand its influence and improve its competitiveness.

With the rapid development of Sichuan City and the promotion of city position,Sichuan hotel also attracted more people's vision.
Sichuan hotel has made considerable progress and also met with many...


With the rapid development of Sichuan City and the promotion of city position,Sichuan hotel also attracted more people's vision.
Sichuan hotel has made considerable progress and also met with many difficulties during the development of reform and opening-up 20 years.
Entering the 21st century, with the development of the hotel industry,Sichuan hotel also faces many crisis inevitable.
Especially in the competition with foreign hotel it is obviously slightly state.
We must constantly strive to improve own competitiveness,if we want to change this situation,and then become world famous brands group!


As the city developed rapidly in Sichuan and the city's rising status, Sichuan hotel industry has also attracted more people's attention. In the reform and opening up more than 20 years in the develop...


As the city developed rapidly in Sichuan and the city's rising status, Sichuan hotel industry has also attracted more people's attention. In the reform and opening up more than 20 years in the development of Sichuan hotel industry has made considerable progress has also encountered many difficulties. As the 21st century, the hotel industry and the increasing development of Sichuan, the hotel industry is also faced with many crises inevitable. Especially with foreign competition in the hotel industry is evident in the slight potential. To change this situation and become world-renowned brands group, we must continue our efforts to improve their competitive edge!


英语翻译随着四川市发展加快和城市地位的提升,四川酒店业也吸引了更多人的目光.在改革开放20多年的发展中四川酒店业取得了长足的进步也遇到了诸多的困难.进入21世纪随着酒店业的日趋 英语翻译随着四川市发展加快和城市地位的提升,四川酒店业也吸引了更多人的目光.在改革开放20多年的发展中四川酒店业取得了长足的进步也遇到了诸多的困难.进入21世纪随着酒店业的日趋 英语翻译摘 要随着我国经济的发展及城市化进程的加快,土地征收和房屋拆迁在经济建设中的使用越来越频繁.尤其是城市房屋强制拆迁是城市建设不可避免的一个问题,这不仅关系到拆迁人、 英语翻译:随着科技的发展和人类生活节奏的不断加快,人们生活方式不得不呈现出向电子信息化发展的趋势. 英语翻译中国加入WTO之后,随着现代科学技术的发展和全球经济一体化步伐的加快,要求我国物流发展中,要时刻紧跟上如今这信息技术飞速发展的步伐,虽然我国钢铁行业经过多年的建设,已具 英语翻译【摘要】随着我国经济建设的快速发展和农村城市化进程的加快,土地的需求量大量增加,农村集体土地被大量征用,失地的农民越来越多.他们流失的不仅仅是土地,随着土地的流失,他 英语翻译【摘要】随着我国经济建设的快速发展和农村城市化进程的加快,土地的需求量大量增加,农村集体土地被大量征用,失地的农民越来越多.他们流失的不仅仅是土地,随着土地的流失,他 八年级语文 病句修改①随着历史发展,使城与市的功能联系日趋紧密.②作为城最初本义的城墙多已不复存在,即使存在,也早已不是城市外围边界,市的地位和作用却越来越高.③到如今,城市已 随着网络的发展 英语翻译 英语翻译随着时代的发展,世界经济一体化的加快,整个国际贸易呈现出贸易自由化的趋势,关税也随之大幅度降低.随着贸易发展的自由化趋势,尤其是随着人类环保意识的增强,国际贸易中的保 英语翻译随着市场经济的发展和经济全球化进程的加快,会计改革不断深入,会计专业性和技术性日趋复杂,会计行业越来越为世人所瞩目,加强会计内部职业素质显得尤为重要.中国会计业必将 英语翻译“[摘要]随着社会生产的不断加快,社会经济的的迅速发展,以及经济全球化和国际市场一体化的程度的持续提高,物流的发展成为现代经济发展不可缺少的一部分.为此物流在其为经济 英语翻译随着我国商业银行建设现代金融企业进程的加快发展,国内各主要商业银行纷纷提出经营战略转型的要求,其中尤以个人零售业务作为经营战略转型的产品研发方向和核心内容.零售业 英语翻译随着现代经济快速发展,全球经济一体化进程的不断加快,内部控制逐渐成为各国企业和会计学家非常关注的重要问题.近些年来,在我国市场经济浪潮之中,内部控制越来越受到企业的 求将下列文字翻译成英文,翻译得好可以追加分,谢谢随着经济全球化进程的加快和科学技术的迅猛发展,知识产权制度在经济和社会活动中的地位得到了历史性提升,知识产权保护在当代国际贸 下列哪项是城市总体规划纲要的主要内容?( ) A 确定城市国民经济和社会发展条件,论证规划期内城市发展目标 B 确定城市在区域发展中的地位,论证城镇体系结构 C 原则确定城市性质、规模、 英语翻译随着国家经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,大量的居住楼盘、高档商场、宾馆、办公楼等民用建筑在城市中拔地而起,使城市用电量快速增长.但是,在这些民用建筑场所内使用的多为 英语翻译随着全球经济的快速发展,尤其是养殖业的发展十分迅速.全国大渔产业发展也发生翻天覆地的变化.近年来,佳木斯市像大鲜渔场一样积极创建健康养殖示范渔场,加快水产养殖发展的