不需太长,只需3分钟左右的对话就好了(Oncampus) A is angry because he/she is going to see a football game tonight withhis/her friend,but his/her friend is late.After hearing A’s complaint,Bgives some suggestions.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/11 15:14:46

不需太长,只需3分钟左右的对话就好了(Oncampus) A is angry because he/she is going to see a football game tonight withhis/her friend,but his/her friend is late.After hearing A’s complaint,Bgives some suggestions.
(Oncampus) A is angry because he/she is going to see a football game tonight withhis/her friend,but his/her friend is late.After hearing A’s complaint,Bgives some suggestions.

不需太长,只需3分钟左右的对话就好了(Oncampus) A is angry because he/she is going to see a football game tonight withhis/her friend,but his/her friend is late.After hearing A’s complaint,Bgives some suggestions.
B:Hey,who are you waiting for?Your boy friend?
A:Yes.You know what?!He is late again!We are going to see a football match.It has already begun.
B:Why don't you go on your own?
A:I can't enter the stadium now.I can't stand him any more,he always stand me out!
B:Oh,darling,please keep your shirt on,give him a chance to explain.
A:Explain what?!He always have reasons.But every time,his excuse simply cannot hold a little water.Please,Don't treat me as an idiot.
B:Maybe this time he did have an accident,don't put full blame on him for the sake of your ture love.
A:Don't try to justify his absence with lame excuses.It's all over


不需太长,只需3分钟左右的对话就好了(Oncampus) A is angry because he/she is going to see a football game tonight withhis/her friend,but his/her friend is late.After hearing A’s complaint,Bgives some suggestions. 求一段英文的看图对话是两个人围绕一副图展开的对话!不用太长太复杂,3分钟左右就可以! 英语幽默对话,2-3分钟左右的英语课前演讲需要的.两个人的对话时间在2-3分钟不要太长的幽默对话,两个人的对话 榜样就在我身边演讲稿 读完3分钟左右 不要太长的 常用英语口语对话不要太长,2人,4分钟左右 英语翻译视频去土豆搜 小柯与小毕的小黑屋挑战31 只翻大概对话就好了,当然越详细越好2 中英对照最好,只英文也可以3视频就2分钟4实在听不说来的地方算了也行视频里会出现的人名两个演 关于梦想的英语对话,探讨怎么实现的3分钟左右的就可以了 急求一篇一分钟左右的英语演讲稿!不要太长,一分钟就好,流畅易懂,有中文注解,如果选中有追加~o zZ 求英语电影中的对话片段(10分钟左右)最好说清楚是哪一段,要是哈利·波特里的就更好了 求一篇英语小故事,关于动物的,故事里没有对话不用太长,能讲上一分钟就行了,不用有寓意,也不要笑话,讲一件事的就好了 裤子英语对话1分钟左右的两人对话 明天就考了 求3篇英语口语对话,最好是自己写的Job Interviews Business Activities Social Problems 不要太长3分钟左右网上帮我找找也行啊,2个人的对话,要简短一点的,每个人10句话左右 求一段5分钟左右的经典电影视频对话(我们英语课用来配音表演的 )非常感谢一楼的大虾 要是能提供那一段的视频 要是是英文对话就更好了 我不知道如何截取 求英语演讲稿,要1分钟的不要太长亦不要太短...适中就好了! travell(英文对话)关于旅游英文对话三人时间大约5分钟需三人表演英文对话,时间5分钟左右.每人讲话的时间大致一样 竞选大队长演讲稿 2分钟左右,要好一点的,不要太长!我只需要一个大概内容就够了,我要提高悬赏分了! 大学英语口语对话单人的对话.5分钟左右就可以了以这幅漫画写四分钟左右的两人对话, 课前三分钟语文材料要材料加上自己的感悟,不用太长,够3分钟就好了,给位大大速度,