电脑安装驱动问题.提示是“this application requires an Xtra(Text) that either does not exit or他的提示是“this application requires an Xtra(Text) that either does not exit or failed initialize properly,please make sure the appropriat

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/04 04:01:54

电脑安装驱动问题.提示是“this application requires an Xtra(Text) that either does not exit or他的提示是“this application requires an Xtra(Text) that either does not exit or failed initialize properly,please make sure the appropriat
电脑安装驱动问题.提示是“this application requires an Xtra(Text) that either does not exit or
他的提示是“this application requires an Xtra(Text) that either does not exit or failed initialize properly,please make sure the appropriate Xtras are in the Xtras folder(s).”请高手帮忙呀

电脑安装驱动问题.提示是“this application requires an Xtra(Text) that either does not exit or他的提示是“this application requires an Xtra(Text) that either does not exit or failed initialize properly,please make sure the appropriat

电脑安装驱动问题.提示是“this application requires an Xtra(Text) that either does not exit or他的提示是“this application requires an Xtra(Text) that either does not exit or failed initialize properly,please make sure the appropriat cannot correctly run this installer on this operating 安装佳能打印机驱动是提示的 安装不上 This product is not manufactured by Quanta Computer.安装驱动时提示说的,该怎么解决? current operation This is not a current operation system.我在安装快捷键驱动的时候提示我这个. 软件安装过程中出现英文提示,英文意思是文件创建错误.见图~安装一个采集卡驱动,出现这个问题,不能安装, A卡提示安装PhysX物理加速驱动什么意思 A卡提示安装PhysX物理加速驱动什么意思 Failed to initialize DIRECTX(纪元1404 HP笔记本)都安装好了,讯雷下的左贤王汉化的.运行游戏以后提示Failed to initialize DIRECTX.我用驱动人生导出我的电脑配置如下.我的DirectX是10.0的.我也到网上下载9.0c pspice9.2安装完成后打开文件capture提示:thecapture CISfeature is not licensed at this site.无法打开工作窗口,是哪里的问题. No devices listed in setup ini is found in this machine 我在安装视频驱动是出现的 英语翻译 显卡驱动安装时候的问题 急 关于“roxio creator small business edition”的问题我的电脑是thinkpad sl410,用的是windows7系统,右击鼠标的时候会出现“正在配置roxio creator small business edition”,当我按照提示安装时又总被提示安装失败 关于“roxio creator small business edition”的问题我的电脑是thinkpad sl410,用的是windows7系统,右击鼠标的时候会出现“正在配置roxio creator small business edition”,当我按照提示安装时又总被提示安装失败 为什么提示Read DVD/CD Device fail,please check your Driver DVD Disk or DVD/CD device!安装不了驱动盘了,怎么回事呀.是不是安装盘的问题呢,就是主板驱动安装不了,其它的都可以的呀. remove shipping locks from oartridges 我的打印机是HP 2025的,驱动也安装了,但打印机提示remove shipping locks from oartridges ,打印机一直未能打印. 想玩愤怒的小鸟,一直提示“texture is too large”我家的显卡是via/s3g Unichrome pro GPI,安装了驱动更新也不管用,谁能告我能不能玩或者用哪个驱动么 安装flash player时候提示 only the single instance of this application can run,怎么回事呀,我电脑里面的flash player已经卸载过了,但是还是没法安装, 安装摄像头驱动时出现no devices listed in setup.ini in this machine怎么办我的本是联想y450