
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/07 06:55:07


Liugong Island in Shandong is located in the east of Weihai City 2.1 miles of the Gulf of Weihai,is the first of China's modern navy is the birthplace of the Qing Dynasty,the Northern Navy complete failure of national humiliation,but also by the British Colonial Rule 42 years of humiliation.
In 1985,open to visitors,has become a national civilized scenic spots and famous patriotic education base.
The island rich cultural landscape unique,both dating back thousands of years of the Warring States period and the Han Dynasty ruins,Liu Gong,Liu mother moving story; both the Beiyang Navy Tidu department,Naval Academy and a lot of cultural relics,and the legacy of the British colonial period of many European architecture.
China Jia Wu War Museum a total investment of nearly 100 million yuan,mainly restore the Navy hall,Temple of the Dragon King,the Ding Ruchang residence,Donghong emplacement,the flag of Fort Hill Top,Naval Academy and other relics,ruins.The text,photo record,set up the protection signs,collection of artifacts and informationthousands of pieces,which was a ship before the two main gun is the treasure of the museum.Liugong Island Parkthrough in-depth mining Liu Gong virtue,the rent for 42 years,Jia Wu war,the unique historical and culturalconnotations,carried out a picture of ups and downs,the shocking history to tourists,become a living textbookpeople feeling the heroic history,pondered the Jia Wu,receive education in patriotism.
Beautiful natural scenery,known as "mountains on the sea" and "land of idyllic beauty" reputation.The northernsteep vertical cliffs,such as cutting Fupi; southern beaches,clear water sand cleaning.Kikunami cliff,stone,stoneboard suit many strange landscape.4000 acres of forest,Chinese tallow tree,cypress,Pu Shu and more than 70trees,50 hour clock and a wild profusion of vegetation,more than 200 wild deer and 70 kinds of birds and animals in the forest,a three-dimensional,flow of scenery.

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