slip 和slide有什么区别?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 13:55:52

slip 和slide有什么区别?
slip 和slide有什么区别?

slip 和slide有什么区别?
slide与slip的区别:(作"滑动"解释时) slide在一个光滑的表面持续地滑动; slip常指意外而不自主地滑动; 以下的例子楼主可以做个比较~ slide vi. 1. 滑,滑动 The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister. 男孩们从楼梯扶手滑下以取乐. 2. 滑落;下落 The car slid into the ditch. 汽车滑进了沟里. 3. 不知不觉地陷入[(+into)] He had slid into bad habits. 他不知不觉地染上了坏习惯. 4. 悄悄地走[Q][(into/out of)] She slid out of the classroom. 她从教室里悄悄地溜走了. vt. 1. 使滑动,使滑行 He carefully slid the top off the box. 他仔细地将箱盖挪开. 2. 悄悄地迅速放置[O][(+in/into)] He slid a pistol into his pocket. 他将一支手枪悄悄地放入口袋. slip vi. 1. 滑动,滑行 The ship slipped through the water. 船在水面滑行. 2. 滑跤,失足 She slipped on the ice. 她在冰上滑倒了. 3. 滑落,滑掉;松脱 He woke to find that his quilt had slipped off the bed. 他醒来发现被子从床上滑下来了. 4. 溜;悄悄走;(时间)不知不觉地过去[Q] The student slipped out of the classroom. 那学生溜出了教室. 5. 疏忽;不经意讲出;被遗忘 Be sure not to let the truth slip. 千万别把真相泄漏出去. 6. 犯错误[(+up)] 7. (健康等)变坏;下降 Standards are slipping in this hotel. 这家旅馆的水平在下降. 8. 匆忙地穿(或脱)[(+into/out of)] He slipped into his coat and went out. 他迅速穿好上衣,出去了. 9. 不知不觉地陷入[(+into)] vt. 1. 使滑动;使滑行 The old lady slipped a hand over the heart. 老太太伸手抚摩胸口. 2. 错过;被...忽略;被遗忘 Your telephone number has slipped my mind. 你的电话号码我忘了. 3. 摆脱,挣脱 4. 匆忙地穿(或脱)[(+on/off)] He slipped off his clothes and went into the bathroom. 他迅速脱掉衣服,走进浴室. 5. 塞入;暗中塞(钱等);把...塞给[O][O1] He slipped the note into my hand. 他把纸条悄悄塞到我手里. 6. 无意中讲出;泄漏 7. 使脱臼

slide与slip的区别:(作"滑动"解释时) slide在一个光滑的表面持续地滑动; slip常指意外而不自主地滑动; 以下的例子楼主可以做个比较~ slide vi. 1. 滑,滑动 The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister. 男孩们从楼梯扶手滑下以取乐。 2. 滑落;下落 The car slid into...


slide与slip的区别:(作"滑动"解释时) slide在一个光滑的表面持续地滑动; slip常指意外而不自主地滑动; 以下的例子楼主可以做个比较~ slide vi. 1. 滑,滑动 The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister. 男孩们从楼梯扶手滑下以取乐。 2. 滑落;下落 The car slid into the ditch. 汽车滑进了沟里。 3. 不知不觉地陷入[(+into)] He had slid into bad habits. 他不知不觉地染上了坏习惯。 4. 悄悄地走[Q][(into/out of)] She slid out of the classroom. 她从教室里悄悄地溜走了。 vt. 1. 使滑动,使滑行 He carefully slid the top off the box. 他仔细地将箱盖挪开。 2. 悄悄地迅速放置[O][(+in/into)] He slid a pistol into his pocket. 他将一支手枪悄悄地放入口袋。 slip vi. 1. 滑动,滑行 The ship slipped through the water. 船在水面滑行。 2. 滑跤,失足 She slipped on the ice. 她在冰上滑倒了。 3. 滑落,滑掉;松脱 He woke to find that his quilt had slipped off the bed. 他醒来发现被子从床上滑下来了。 4. 溜;悄悄走;(时间)不知不觉地过去[Q] The student slipped out of the classroom. 那学生溜出了教室。 5. 疏忽;不经意讲出;被遗忘 Be sure not to let the truth slip. 千万别把真相泄漏出去。 6. 犯错误[(+up)] 7. (健康等)变坏;下降 Standards are slipping in this hotel. 这家旅馆的水平在下降。 8. 匆忙地穿(或脱)[(+into/out of)] He slipped into his coat and went out. 他迅速穿好上衣,出去了。 9. 不知不觉地陷入[(+into)] vt. 1. 使滑动;使滑行 The old lady slipped a hand over the heart. 老太太伸手抚摩胸口。 2. 错过;被...忽略;被遗忘 Your telephone number has slipped my mind. 你的电话号码我忘了。 3. 摆脱,挣脱 4. 匆忙地穿(或脱)[(+on/off)] He slipped off his clothes and went into the bathroom. 他迅速脱掉衣服,走进浴室。 5. 塞入;暗中塞(钱等);把...塞给[O][O1] He slipped the note into my hand. 他把纸条悄悄塞到我手里。 6. 无意中讲出;泄漏 7. 使脱臼
