能帮我改改下面的英文段落么 语法什么的 这是我的毕业演讲稿,Mom,dad,grandma,and grandpa,thank you for all your give and love.I wouldn’tforget what dad had told me the night before submitting high-school willingnesspapers tha

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 08:15:35

能帮我改改下面的英文段落么 语法什么的 这是我的毕业演讲稿,Mom,dad,grandma,and grandpa,thank you for all your give and love.I wouldn’tforget what dad had told me the night before submitting high-school willingnesspapers tha
能帮我改改下面的英文段落么 语法什么的 这是我的毕业演讲稿,
Mom,dad,grandma,and grandpa,thank you for all your give and love.I wouldn’tforget what dad had told me the night before submitting high-school willingnesspapers that “That is all we can help,you’re the master of rest of your life.”I know that you’ve paid for my willfulness.I know that you’ve sacrificed a lotfor my study.I know that when you blamed me for choosing studying abroad wasjust because you want me to stay.I’m always a little girl in your eyes.Nonetheless,please trust me and let me hold the ticket you gave it to me to seek the futureI want,so does my life.
No.13 High School furnished me of a life differsfrom senior high school.There are numerous of memories we obtained from theactivities we took as Class 14 a whole team in past three years,which are muchmore precious than the glories.Indeed,it do had the unhappy parts,but theseparts helped us to possess a high-school life with full of spunky and smile.Thank you for all the teachers no matter the Chinese or the Canadian teachers.You are patient enough so that I could have sufficient time to overcome myshyness.

能帮我改改下面的英文段落么 语法什么的 这是我的毕业演讲稿,Mom,dad,grandma,and grandpa,thank you for all your give and love.I wouldn’tforget what dad had told me the night before submitting high-school willingnesspapers tha
First and foremost, I‘d like to thank my mom, dad, grandma and grandpa for all the love and support that you have given me. I would never forget what dad told me the night before submitting my official choice of colleges. He said to me, “sweetheart(或者你名字), we’ve done all that we can do to help you and support you,from this point forward, you are on your own, you will be in charge of mastering the rest of your life”. Mom, dad, grandma and grandpa, I know that you guys have paid for my application to these colleges, that you have made many sacrifices for my schooling, and I appreciate everything that you have ever done for me! When you found out that I chose to study abroad, you were mad at me, I know that you weren’t really mad, and that you just wanted me to be close by so you can take care of me. I know that in your eyes, I will always be your little girl, and I know everything you do, you do it out of love for me, but I have reached an age that I could make mature decisions, and be responsible for those decisions made. So please try your best to just trust me, let me spread my wings and fly with all the skills you have taught me in my earlier years, to seek the future that I want.

No. 13 High School has given me a high school experience that surpassed my expectations by far. The past three years have been, and will remain, some of the most memorable years of my life. To all the classmates of
Class 14, thank you for your friendship. The fun that we had together doing those
school activities, the laughter and smiles we shared day to day, all those will
be my treasured memories. To all the teachers, both Chinese and Canadian, thank
you for all that you have done for us, bettering us, preparing us for the next
chapter of our lives! I’d especially like to thank you for being patient and kind. It was your patience and kindness that helped me
overcome my shyness.

As we step out of high school, and turn our lives to the next chapter, I’d like to share a poem with my fellow schoolmates. It’s a poem by William Henley, called invictus:

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

So let's begin our journeys as young adults, who will be responsible for all the life decisions made from this point forward. I would say good luck to everyone, but I can’t. We don’t need luck, for we are the masters of our fate, and we are the captains of our souls.

能帮我改改下面的英文段落么 语法什么的 这是我的毕业演讲稿,Mom,dad,grandma,and grandpa,thank you for all your give and love.I wouldn’tforget what dad had told me the night before submitting high-school willingnesspapers tha 能帮我改改下面的英文段落么 语法什么的 这是我的毕业演讲稿,希望有好心人帮帮忙!这是最后一段啦!Aboutmy friends, wish we could have an everlasting friendship and finished our tinydreams. We used to have ice-cream 你能帮我改改吗? 那你能帮我改改吗 英文:改语法!和改句子结构求高人帮我改改语法吧.我这文章写得幼稚,顺便帮我改改有些句子的结构.最好写的和美国人一样,加点修饰词之类的~All three of these pieces are a portrait and there are deep m 高人帮我改病句改改下面的句子:蔚蓝的天空中飘着朵朵雪花. 英语翻译帮我改改! 麻烦帮我改改! 想找个人帮我修改英文我有篇英语论文,但是语法错误比较多,想请人帮我改下,不需要翻译,就是看看哪有错误改改就行,只是语法问题,有意向的可以私信我, 英文怎说?Can you serve it be quick 文法上有错吗?能帮我改改吗? 急请英文写作高手帮我检查文章语法请大家帮我看看下面的段落是否正确表达、意思清楚.请指正,谢谢!1. Most architects are aware of applying sustainable and ecological technologies in their designs. However, only a 帮我解答`(*∩_∩*)′顺便帮我看看我写了的答案对吗?如果错了,在下面帮我改改,谢.. 英文高手帮我改下我的GCSE coursework如果有看过 Of Mice and Men 的人帮我看看如果没看过就帮我改改语法吧..以下是我写的文章.有点长..:What extent if ‘of Mice and Men’ a novel of protest?‘Of Mice and Men’ 对吗,不对帮我改改 帮我改改英语选择题 帮我改正一下 语法什么的.. 谁能帮我改改英文个人简历我写了篇英文的简历去外企应聘,但用在线翻译发现很多问题,希望大家能帮我改改!I was born in December 25,1983.2003.9 - 2006.6 in Tianjin Institute of Occupational learning culture and t 懂地理知识的进.帮我改改试卷