请帮忙解释这个英语句子中off的含义The European Union is sending 6 warships to tackle a massive peoblem---- piracy off somalia's waters that has resulted in...(不打了)问下那个off在这里是什么词性?为什么不是of呢?PS可

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 16:44:40

请帮忙解释这个英语句子中off的含义The European Union is sending 6 warships to tackle a massive peoblem---- piracy off somalia's waters that has resulted in...(不打了)问下那个off在这里是什么词性?为什么不是of呢?PS可
The European Union is sending 6 warships to tackle a massive peoblem---- piracy off somalia's waters that has resulted in...(不打了)

请帮忙解释这个英语句子中off的含义The European Union is sending 6 warships to tackle a massive peoblem---- piracy off somalia's waters that has resulted in...(不打了)问下那个off在这里是什么词性?为什么不是of呢?PS可
off coast 是英文惯用法,表达:海岸线.off Somalia's coast=沿着索马里的海岸线.
off Somalia's waters 与 off Somalia's coast 用法相同,表达:沿着索马里海岸线的水域.
off 在这里是介词,修饰名词 waters.

Official chinese media are reporting that china will send ships tohelp combat piracy off the coast of somalia
The skirmish is thought to be the first exchange of fire between apassenger vessel and...


Official chinese media are reporting that china will send ships tohelp combat piracy off the coast of somalia
The skirmish is thought to be the first exchange of fire between apassenger vessel and attackers since the start of the current waveof piracy off the horn of africa.


off Somalia's waters : 索马利亚的外海
off 是形容词, 修饰piracy

请帮忙解释这个英语句子中off的含义The European Union is sending 6 warships to tackle a massive peoblem---- piracy off somalia's waters that has resulted in...(不打了)问下那个off在这里是什么词性?为什么不是of呢?PS可 请高手用英语解释下Run your mouth off ,谢谢!Run your mouth off 1.用英语解释其含义2.举个具体的例子谢谢! 请帮忙解释电池mah的含义 帮忙解释下这个签的含义. 那位英语高手帮忙翻译个句子!在一次事故中这个工人的一根手指被机器切断了cut off和have sth don 英语th,rd的用法是什么样的?请各位帮忙解释下,偶在此谢过啦! 谁帮忙解释这个shell脚本的含义::(){:|:&};:谁帮忙解释这个shell脚本的含义::(){:|:&};: the plane took off on time怎么用英语解释..是要用英语解释这个句子。 请帮忙解释这个句子中“can的用法It's a can an orange juice can.这个句子中有两个can,第一个can和第二个can在句中代表什么意思?为啥能这么用?请英语能手能帮忙 英语中there should be …如何转一般疑问句的问题,请帮忙请问,There should be more free sports facilities for the public.这个句子该如何转为“一般疑问句”呢?麻烦详细解释下,谢谢~~~ an English major和major in English请解释这两个词组的含义 帮忙造两个句子来区分 请问这个短语是什么意思 请英语学得好的帮忙翻译一下get our bussiness off the ground 请帮忙总结英语八大时态的中、英文名,基本含义,常用时间,句子结构,例句(肯定,否定,一般疑问,特殊我最晚明天下午要用, 请帮忙解释下“禾秆盖珍珠”的含义 “日志”的含义解释请大家帮忙查一下日志这个词在现代汉语词典里的含义,还有它在英语字典里的英文解释. 请解释以下这个句子Il voudrait m'emmener un soir au théâtre请解释这个句子的结构,un soir在这里没介词使固定搭配还是什么的? 这个VFP程序段的含义是什么?请高手帮忙解释以下程序段中每条语句的含义,clear allclose allset talk offset sysmenu offset status bar on zoom window screen maxdo cd.mprread eventsclear events off 的用法最近看到几个off,希望高手帮忙解释off在下面句子中各自的用法,1.I know it off by heart .我知道其中by heart的意思是熟记,但off这里做什么用呢?2.I suppose you’ ll be off to the.to do 3.insurence is c