
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 12:30:59


Hen,located in shanxi,xuan air source of datong county,muddy from 65 km,national key units to be protected.Hen was founded in 14 years ago,the hen is apart from the ground about 50 meters high,our country building hen and architectural style,the traditional architectural features can be summarized as "strange,suspension,perfect" three words.
Heng heng,says BeiYue,and tai mountain,hua mountain,nanyue mountain,middle yue,famous at home and abroad and mountains.In 1982,heng heng heng heng scenic spots in Shanxi Province,was approved by the state council on the first list of national scenic areas.Located in the muddy source town 10 kilometers,is apart from the datong 62 kilometers.Heng heng mountain,muddy south county in the source 2016.1 altitude,for the second high mountains.In Taoism park

Hen, located in shanxi, xuan air source of datong county, muddy from 65 km, national key units to be protected. Hen was founded in 14 years ago, the hen is apart from the ground about 50 meters high, ...


Hen, located in shanxi, xuan air source of datong county, muddy from 65 km, national key units to be protected. Hen was founded in 14 years ago, the hen is apart from the ground about 50 meters high, our country building hen and architectural style, the traditional architectural features can be summarized as "strange, suspension, perfect" three words.
Heng heng, says BeiYue, and tai mountain, hua mountain, nanyue mountain, middle yue, famous at home and abroad and mountains. In 1982, heng heng heng heng scenic spots in Shanxi Province, was approved by the state council on the first list of national scenic areas. Located in the muddy source town 10 kilometers, is apart from the datong 62 kilometers. Heng heng mountain, muddy south county in the source 2016.1 altitude, for the second high mountains. In Taoism park
尽力翻译完了,伱自己看着办八 。


英语翻译悬空寺,又名玄空寺,位于山西浑源县,距大同市65公里,全国重点文物保护单位.悬空寺始建于1400多年前,悬空寺距地面高约50米,悬空寺发展了我国的建筑传统和建筑风格,其建筑特色可以 求有关山西大同的诗句比如描写悬空寺、恒山、云冈石窟啥的. 山西位于第几阶梯,位于黄土高原还是华北平原? 英语翻译又名《钱大昕默坐观弈》 英语翻译是山西还是陕西? 位于俄罗斯的太平洋沿岸著名海港城市符拉迪沃斯托克又名什么? 滇池在哪里?滇池位于昆明市西南,又名昆明湖. 藏经楼 又叫什么?又名孙中山纪念馆.位于中山陵与灵谷寺之间的茫茫林海中. 送元二使安西又名.又名. 游山西村原文和英语翻译 英语翻译,我立志考上山西大学 避暑山庄又名承德离宫或热河行宫,位于河北省承德市中心北部,是清代皇帝夏天避暑和处理政 悬空作业 黄梅五祖寺,又名东山寺,亦名东禅寺,位于湖北省黄梅县城东北13公里处的东山上,五祖寺是中国佛教禅宗第五代禅师----弘忍大师的宏发道场,又是六祖慧能大师求法的遗体之地.黄梅四祖寺,位于 英语翻译翻译:--余荫山房,又名余荫园,位于广东番禺南村镇东南角,有着130年历史,是清道光年间举人邬燕山为纪念其祖父邬余荫而建的私家花园.始建于清同治六年,同治十年建成.该园以“ 全部位于黄土高原上的省份山西还是陕西?我看怎么这两个都没全位于…… 机械运动又名? 《名人传》又名?