以下是我的作文,希望有经验的高手帮改下,最好能打个分数,Improing living condition or the research in outspace,which one shold be invested in a larger sum of money by the goverment?Different people have different idea.Personally

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/27 02:11:41

以下是我的作文,希望有经验的高手帮改下,最好能打个分数,Improing living condition or the research in outspace,which one shold be invested in a larger sum of money by the goverment?Different people have different idea.Personally
Improing living condition or the research in outspace,which one shold be invested in a larger sum of money by the goverment?Different people have different idea.Personally speaking I agree with the former.
Although the reseach in outsspace can bring many metits to us.Such as people can carry the seeds into outspace and grain new varieties; more and more scientists pay attention to explore the new living space.There is no evident to suggest the reseach shoule be invested more money than improving the living condition.What`s more the research involves incredible sum of money not only in terms of scientific facilities,but also in terms of researchers.Similarly it has been said the research also bring enomous pressure to the goverment,which often lead to the financial burdern.To be sure the goverment should pay more money to change the living conditiong.
The another reason why i personally dispute the statement abouve is that no one can deny that living condition which is gradually become serious is the most important to the hunman being.Fact shows that no matter the developed and developing countries all threated by the poverty and disease.According to the newspaper the number of people who died from poverty and disease such as cancer is experiencing a slightly rise these years.As a result survive is foundation of any other things,therefore it is higly important that goverment invest larger money in improving living condition.
AS has been mentioned above that survvive is most inmportant to us.Ican come to the conclusion that the goverment should give more money on improving our living condition

以下是我的作文,希望有经验的高手帮改下,最好能打个分数,Improing living condition or the research in outspace,which one shold be invested in a larger sum of money by the goverment?Different people have different idea.Personally
错的太多了,可以打 5分

以下是我的作文,希望有经验的高手帮改下,最好能打个分数,Improing living condition or the research in outspace,which one shold be invested in a larger sum of money by the goverment?Different people have different idea.Personally 求一作文 话题为“追忆艰苦 感悟幸福” 字数在1500字左右 希望有经验有文章的高手们帮我一下 , 谢谢啦. 街蓝高手是怎样练成的?3Q我要的是高手PG和PF的经验,希望有高手你就别藏了,能有我师傅教我么?我还只菜鸟,只会点点,直接加我为好友,或者去我空间留言,期待你的出现. 引力和重力有什么关系向心力是什么力?(我初中刚毕业,马上要上高1了.希望各位高手能给我提供一点学习经验,我的QQ是178649461. 肯德鸡麦当劳打工英文词汇本人想去应聘肯德鸡和麦当劳的兼职,希望有经验的高手教我所有卖的东西的词汇, 直述句改为转述句的题目.希望一些有经验的教师或高手帮忙能帮我出些有关此类的题目. 大学英语四级作文一般人能拿多少分?我要估分,希望有经验的回答,谢谢了 我想考托业,希望有经验的高手介绍我几本有用的书包括词汇、题目什么的,还有需不需要上什么课吗? 英语翻译希望有经验的老手告诉我. 哪个高手能帮忙写初二水平的英文作文,这作文对我很重要我从学校的英语夏令营回来了,写一封信告诉笔友在学校的夏令营的经验,以下是问题:You have just returned from a 3 day English Camp in Haven Par 运动会的通讯员是写什么的啊 我从来没做过 希望有经验的同志能帮帮忙啊 如何才能写好英语六级写作小弟特别希望可以提高自身的英语六级写作水平,所以希望各位英语高手可以帮小弟一把.感激涕零~以下便是小弟写的一篇作文,希望各位大侠都够帮我“挑挑毛病” 我的牙有龋齿,一颗已经补过了.但我发现别的牙也日益有变黑的趋势.我应该怎样防止它变黑.希望有经验的高手指教. 美国人英语中有分及物动词和不及物动词吗 我说的是日常口语 RT 希望有经验的人来回答 新人初考托福的一些问题 请进我有三个月的时间准备 现在考的是新托福吗?还有听说读写方面怎样分配?希望你在各方面推荐我一本书或是个人经验谢谢 还有,希望书本的价钱在400元多以下(听 请问有没有爬山爱好者?我想找个陪我爬山的伙伴?希望他是有野外经验者,因为本人是没经验,现在有时间想多接触写大自然希望有位好伙伴,我是住在深圳罗湖的, 防冻液?想经营防冻液.在2线城市,主要做 蓝星.长城 以下的品牌.希望有经验的说说 价格 我要实际的价格` 我说着俩 在给几个小品牌的 卖的好的 价格~ 高三作文怎样提高我是一名高三学生,希望得到关于语文和英语作文的辅导或者建议.希望是不屑泛泛而谈,希望有经验的朋友们给点油实际意义的帮助,或者推荐一些好书之类的