英语翻译The de-pegging of RMB exchange rate from the US dollar does not lead to a substantial change in the exchange rate in the short term.Considering the future regime,if the European financialcrisis was not lessened,the Euro and other major cu

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 06:46:21

英语翻译The de-pegging of RMB exchange rate from the US dollar does not lead to a substantial change in the exchange rate in the short term.Considering the future regime,if the European financialcrisis was not lessened,the Euro and other major cu
The de-pegging of RMB exchange rate from the US dollar does not lead to a substantial change in the exchange rate in the short term.Considering the
future regime,if the European financialcrisis was not lessened,the Euro and
other major currencies would continue to devalue against the U.S dollar and
the RMB would probably follow suit.June 22 was the second trading day after the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) reaffirmed its decision to reform the RMB exchange rate,and according to the central bank’s public announcement,
the central parity rate of the yuan to the U.S.dollar marked the first break of 6.8 since the RMB exchange rate reform in July,2005,closing at 6.7980.Compared with the rate of 6.8275 on Monday,the central parityrate Tuesday means that the RMB had appreciated by 0.43%,while on June 21 this figure was flat with the previous
trading day.
Boost market confidence
After the PBOC claimed to increase the flexibility of the RMB exchange rate,the whole public was paying heed to the middle exchange rate performance to speculate on the central bank’s intentions.A stronger yuan against the U.S.dollar reflected
a booming demand for RMB in the market as people’s expectations about RMB appreciation rose.Considering the market reaction to the new policy of PBOC,Chinese people are confident about the economy.In overseas markets,the rate of
yuan against the dollar at the currency derivatives market in the future 12 months reached 6.6209,rising by 2.7%,while last Friday it was only 1.8%.Though the market witnessed a modest appreciation of the RMB exchange rate after the new policy of PBOC was announced,currencies of other Asian countries against the U.S.
dollar were boosted and the global stockmarket was lifted.The benchmark stock
index of Hong Kong,Tokyo,Seoul and Mumbai surged 1.6 percent to 3.1 percent.The European stock market also rallied.
The Shanghai Composite Index also rose 2.9% on June 21,but the national bond yields may drop because the need for raising interest rates was eased
by a stronger yuan.
Great significance
On June 19,the People’s Bank of China claimed to proceed further with the freeform of the RMB exchange rate regime to enhance the RMB exchange
rate flexibility.Authoritative comments suggest that the decision of PBOC to reform
the RMB exchange rate was of great significance,marking the conclusion
of the temporary fixed exchange rate policy issued for the purpose of fighting
against financial crisis in the past 20 odd months.During the financial crisis,
the Chinese government had implemented a fixed exchange rate policy to
peg the yuan to the dollar.
A further analysis reveals twopurposes of this exchange rate reform ofPBOC.The first is to ease the inflation pressure at home and the other is to accelerate the restructuring of export-oriented enterprises.

英语翻译The de-pegging of RMB exchange rate from the US dollar does not lead to a substantial change in the exchange rate in the short term.Considering the future regime,if the European financialcrisis was not lessened,the Euro and other major cu
人民币兑美元的汇率调整并不会导致汇率在短期内发生显著变化.考虑将来的管理制度,如果欧洲的金融危机不减少的话,欧元和其他主要货币将继续对美元贬值,人民币也很可能会紧随其后.6 月月22 日是中国人民银行(PBOC)在重申人民币汇率改革后的第二个交易日,并根据中央银行的公告,自央行在 2005 年 7 月实行汇率改革以来,这是人民币对美元的汇率中间价首次突破6.8,这之前最高也只有 6.7980.相比于星期一的6.8275 ,星期二央行的汇率中间价升值 0.43%,在而 6 月 21 日,这个数字与以往持平.
中国人民银行自增强人民币汇率的灵活性之后,整个社会都非常留意中间汇率的情况以揣测央行的意图.人民币兑美元的升值反映了随着人民币是升值,市场对人民币的需求快速增长.基于央行新政策的对市场的影响,中国人民是对经济信心满满.在海外市场,货币衍生品市场上的人民币兑美元的汇率在 12 个月内达到了 6.6209,上升 2.7%,在上周五仅为 1.8%.虽然市场在央行公布新政策后,见证了人民币的平缓升值,但其他亚洲国家的货币兑美元的汇率也是大大上涨,随之而来将掀起全球的股市潮流.在香港、 东京、 首尔和孟买,基准股票指数飙升至 3.1%的上涨 1.6个百分点.同样欧洲股市也在回升.
6 月 21 日,上海综合指数也上升 2.9%,但国家债券的收益率可能会下降,因为提高利率的需要会因为人民币的升值而减少.

De-pegging 从美元兑人民币汇率不会导致汇率在短期内发生显著变化。考虑
未来的制度,如果欧洲的 financialcrisis 不是减少,欧元和
人民币可能会仿效。6 月 22 日是人民银行的中国 (人行) 重申,人民币汇率改革,并根据中央银行的公告,决定后的第二个交易日
中央人民币对美元的比价以来人民币汇率改革在 200...


De-pegging 从美元兑人民币汇率不会导致汇率在短期内发生显著变化。考虑
未来的制度,如果欧洲的 financialcrisis 不是减少,欧元和
人民币可能会仿效。6 月 22 日是人民银行的中国 (人行) 重申,人民币汇率改革,并根据中央银行的公告,决定后的第二个交易日
中央人民币对美元的比价以来人民币汇率改革在 2005 年 7 月,在 6.7980 关闭标记 6.8 的首次的突破。在星期一,中央的 parityrate 6.8275 率相比周二指人民币已升值 0.43%,,而 6 月 21 日,这个数字是平于以往的
人民币兑美元汇率衍生品市场在未来 12 个月内达到 6.6209,在上周五上升 2.7%,仅为 1.8%。虽然市场见证了适度升值的人民币汇率制度后公布的央行的新政策,针对美国其他亚洲国家的货币
香港、 东京、 首尔和孟买指数飙升至 3.1%的 1.6%。欧洲股市也回升。
上海综合指数也上升 2.9%,于 6 月 21 日,但国家债券的收益率可能会下降,因为需要提高利率得到缓解
6 月 19 日中国人民银行声称继续进一步提高人民币的人民币汇率制度的任意多边形的交换
针对金融危机在过去 20 多个月。在金融危机中,
进一步的分析显示此汇率改革 ofPBOC 的 twopurposes。第一种是在家里纾缓通胀压力和另一种是加快改制以出口为导向的企业。
[由 Microsoft® Translator 自动翻译]


英语翻译Hard Pegging的资材 英语翻译The de-pegging of RMB exchange rate from the US dollar does not lead to a substantial change in the exchange rate in the short term.Considering the future regime,if the European financialcrisis was not lessened,the Euro and other major cu 英语翻译AcknowledgementsThe authors thank the following institutions for financial support:CCNIEC (Centre Catal`a de la Nutrici´o de l’Institutd’Estudis Catalans),CeRTA (Centre de Refer`encia en Tecnologia Agroaliment`aries),and the Dir 英语翻译Automatic de-gating shall be the standard method. 英语翻译plano propiedad de la sociedad C.M.P no reproducir o comunicar sin su autorizacion 英语翻译O produto deverá ter a capacidade de 600ml.Caso não seja nesta medida não serve para embalar o produto. 英语翻译1、lave sus manons completamente con aguay jabon de preparar la formula2、Vierta la cantidad deseada de aguaen la botella o taza de alimentacion Anada el polvo3、Tape la botella o taza de alimentaciony AGITELA BIEN 英语翻译1.Não preciso de babação de ovode um burro como você,Mongol.2.Tô de saco cheio de alimentarseu entretenimento!3.Isso me deixou puto! 英语翻译6-12 gotas dos o tres veces al día,antes de comida.En caso de niños tomar con jugo,leche o agua. 英语翻译Boa tarde,gostaria de obter o vosso catalogo,saber se distribuem em portugal e qual e o prazo de entrega.rosa 10 Parte/partes 英语翻译Não existe a mínima possibilidade de trazer outros problemas.Quando eu falo outros problemas,estou falando de Fred e de Vagner Love.Não estão no nosso foco,afirmou. 英语翻译RAINBOW LIFEGARD INSTRUCCIONES CLORO 752 EQUIPO DE PRUEBA PARA ALBERCA O SPA 1.Llene tubo de prueba hasta la linea con agua de alberca o spa tomandola de una profundidad de 18”(fuera de la linea de retorno).2.Agregue 5 gotas de solucion 英语翻译Our assessment of your application We have completed a first assessment of your application and note the following:o we are not satisfied you have provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate significant social or economic incentives to de 英语翻译Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix 和 the H el-Dieu de Quebec,hospital还有the Musée de l'Amérique française 锁o鈊de鎡菋 锁o鈊de鎡菋 英语翻译O.O 英语翻译'B' 'O' 'O'