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louxiajimo,你怎么不+我呢…… 一楼写得很好,如果没有其他答案,分数与加分都是一楼的了

Religious organisations and lifestyles in the US
The US has a tradition of religious tolerance and every resident has total freedom of religion without hindrance from the state or community.The establishment and free exercise of religion is enshrined in the First Amendment of the US constitution.For this reason,prayer isn’t permitted in schools or at the start of sports games and was ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court.
Although the influence of religion declined in most western societies in the latter part of the 20th century,the US has remained solidly religious (it’s one of the world’s most deeply religious nations).The national motto ‘In God We Trust’ is inscribed upon US coins,and the pledge of allegiance to the American flag still refers to the US as ‘one nation under God’ despite sporadic legal attempts to have the words removed.Religion is conspicuous in the US,where it’s a part of everyday life (only sport is taken more seriously).
More than 90 per cent of Americans claim to believe in God (and Mammon),two-thirds are members of a local church or temple and around 45 per cent attend religious services at least once a week.Some 60 per cent of Americans are Protestant,25 per cent Roman Catholic,2 per cent Jewish,1 per cent Orthodox and 4 per cent belong to other religions such as Buddhist,Hindu or Moslem (the remaining 8 per cent claim no religion).
Not surprisingly,more Americans believe in heaven (around 80 per cent) than hell (65 per cent),and 70 per cent believe in life after death (they hope they can take their pile with them or at least come back and enjoy it in their next life).As a consequence of the diverse religions,Americans refer to ‘first’ or ‘given’ names,rather than ‘Christian’ names.
Astonishingly,around a third of Americans claim to be ‘Born Again Christians’,so called because they believe life starts anew when you commit yourself to Jesus Christ (being born again doesn’t,however,guarantee you a longer life!).They,and other fundamentalists,contend that every word in the bible is literally true and that Darwin’s theory of evolution is false.The southern and south-west regions are known as the ‘bible belt’ because of the prominence of fundamentalist Protestants.In many parts of the US,there’s a relentless determination by religious zealots to impose their views on non-believers,often through so-called street preachers.
One out of every five people on earth can speak English to some level of competence,which is quite a lot of people.English is considered an easy language for many.If you speak Spanish,Italian,Portuguese,French or any Latin-based language,this will help you a great deal in the learning process.However,you need to be aware that English is not an easy language for everybody.If your native language is Chinese,Japanese or Korean,for example,you may have more difficulty.The trick is to not give up.
In the United States you will notice a lot of different accents,idioms and vocabulary in different parts of the country.Unfortunately some Americans are not used to different accents and may have some trouble understanding foreigners.
If you’ve been learning British English,you will immediately notice the differences between the English and American pronunciation (although you’re probably already used to the latter from movies and music).Note that American English also has both spelling and grammatical differences from British English,some of which were made as part of an attempt to rationalize the English spelling used in British English at the time.
Open Freedom and firendly.



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