介绍“china daily"报纸的英语作文

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 05:06:25

介绍“china daily"报纸的英语作文
介绍“china daily"报纸的英语作文

介绍“china daily"报纸的英语作文
China Daily, established in 1981, is the only national English-language newspaper in China. The average daily circulation is more than 200,000, one-third of which is abroad in more than 150 countries and regions. Committed to helping the world know more about China and the country's integration with the international community, China Daily is regarded as one of the country's most authoritative English media outlets and an important source of information on Chinese politics, economy, society and culture. It is often called the "Voice of China" or "Window to China." China Daily also serves as important source for high-end Chinese readers who want to know more about the world. Headquartered in Beijing, China Daily also has branches in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and correspondents in all major cities in China. English-speaking staff reporters, correspondents and editors with the newspaper group are known for their professionalism, ethics, enthusiasm and creativity. Most news, editorials, analysis and features are written by staff. A great number of experts and scholars and writers in various fields contribute to commentary and features pages. China Daily also exchanges information with major newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, websites and magazines China Daily is the only representative for China in the Asian News Network (ANN), a non-government media organization consisting of 16 major English-language newspapers, whose total circulation is more than 20 million. As a newspaper group, China Daily also runs China Business Weekly, China Daily Hong Kong Edition, Reports from China, Shanghai Star, Beijing Weekend, 21st Century, 21st Century Teens Senior Edition, 21st Century Teens Junior Edition and the China Daily Web site (www.chinadaily.com.cn), which is one of the country’s major news websites, receiving 6 million pageviews per day.

介绍“china daily报纸的英语作文 和china daily齐名的报纸是什么 用英语介绍《china daily》50字左右 如何介绍CHINA DAILY的英文文章 中国的全英文 报纸 / 杂志请大家介绍一下中国有没有什么好的全英文的报纸和杂志?如 :china daily 之类 的. 哪些英语杂志和报纸比较流行呀比如china daily 一类的.越多越好.对于好的答案给提分哦. 长沙在哪里可以买到China daily 报纸和《英语文摘》杂志?最好是在湖南农业大学附近的 有关中国政府的最新动态,但是用英语书写出版的报纸,杂志.名字有哪些Shanghai Daily好,还是China Daily好? 请问天津哪儿能买到china daily报纸? 哪里可以订阅到China daily?我只有最后半年在南昌待了,想订阅China daily或者世界英语提高自己的阅读水平,请问南昌什么地方可以订阅到这两种报纸呢?有没有哪位大哥知道的? 谁给几篇福岛核危机的英语社论,发表社论报纸可以是china daily等只要是比较有代表性的美国英国英语报刊就好 这两份报纸是周刊?还是月刊一类的? 青岛在哪订阅21 century 、China Daily?或者买这两份报纸? 有什么样的英语报纸是每天一份的?我想要提高英语水平请问有什么英语报纸可以帮助我(大概高中水平)(一定要每天都出版的!还有,高中的水平阅读china daily有没有困难,china daily究竟好不好? 请问在苏州市,哪里可以买到CHINA DAILY 报纸如题,我跑了很多报亭,都说没这个报纸,很着急,希望知道的朋友相助,CHINA DAILY ,(今日中国英文版报纸) china+daily用的是英式英文还是美式英语? 温州哪里有卖英文报纸《China Daily》? china daily是周报还是日报,我想应该是日报啊为什么今天我买的是星期一的报纸 在哪可以买到《China Daily》和《21th century》的报纸一般报亭好像没有得卖