
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/25 07:20:07


Engels once said,"We should not be too intoxicated with the victory of our nature,for each such victory nature have its revenge on us.Every victory in the first step has indeed achieved our expected results,but in the second step and the third step there is a completely different,unexpected effect,often overwhelm the first result ,"the philosophy of Marxism tells us:" people can take advantage of nature,transform nature,but not to conquer nature."

Engels once said, "We should not be too intoxicated with the victory of our nature, for each such victory nature have its revenge on us. Every victory in the first step has indeed achieved our expecte...


Engels once said, "We should not be too intoxicated with the victory of our nature, for each such victory nature have its revenge on us. Every victory in the first step has indeed achieved our expected results, but in the second step and the third step there is a completely different, unexpected effect, often overwhelm the first result , "the philosophy of Marxism tells us:" people can take advantage of nature, transform nature, but not to conquer nature. " 支持楼上


Engels once said, "We should not be over enjoyed our victory on the nature.For each such victory,the nature will take revenge on us.Every victory in the first step has indeed achieved our expected res...


Engels once said, "We should not be over enjoyed our victory on the nature.For each such victory,the nature will take revenge on us.Every victory in the first step has indeed achieved our expected results, but in the second step and the third step there is a completely different, unexpected effect, often overwhelm the first result , "the philosophy of Marxism tells us:" people can take advantage of nature, transform nature, but not to conquer nature. "


谁可以提供以下几句话的英文原文1,恩格斯曾经说过,“我们不要过分陶醉于我们对自然界的胜利,对于每一次这样的胜利自然界都报复了我们.每一次胜利,在第一步都确实取得了我们预期的结 谁可以提供人为刀俎,我为鱼肉的出处原文和解释?我急需这句话的原文和原文的解释这句话的出处,出处的具体内容,也就是原文,和原文的全部翻译,特别是翻译! 恩格斯说:“心灵是地球上最美的花朵”是英文说的吗?英文原文是什么? 没有哪一次巨大的历史灾难不是以历史的进步为补偿的 .恩格斯 求英文原文 求介绍国家的英文作文,几句话就可以, 谁能够提供《葬花吟》的原文? 谁能提供韩少功的《生命》原文.. 谁能提供马克思和恩格斯对科学社会主义的具体论述和出处? 关于安史之乱的史书原文求以下这句话的的原出处,我想要史书古文原文几句或几段可以说明下面内容的公元759年三月,唐朝六十万大军败于邺城,国家局势十分危急.为了迅速补充兵力,统治者 英语翻译想把以下几句话翻译成藏语,不要藏文的,只用英文标注出发音就行!比如日语里的“舒服”就可以标注成KIMOJI.以下是我要翻译的三句话:1、不好,有人来了!2、不要去碰大黑天神.3、你 谁可以提供一段最近新闻的英文版~ 谁有爱因斯坦的广义相对论和狭义相对论的原文啊?中文版和英文版的提供网站就行! 谁能提供一段莎士比亚的经典独白的英文原文(就是 在To be or not to be那个) 求:南丁格尔一句名言原文(悬分10分,小小敬意)“护士必须有一颗同情心和一双愿意工作的手”这句话的英文原文是什么?能提供出处最好, 以下这句话英文该怎么说 HAWB上有有显示发预报(pre-alert)的时间为什么还要我提供pending了几天 ★★求3篇英文作文.要3篇英文的作文.字数在800字左右.希望回答的人,不要大量的复制粘贴著名的文章!或者能提供几段优美的英文段落也可以.文章围绕以下3个主题:1.A new flavor to our life2.If I h 《孔孟论学》新教才孔子几句话的原文 这几句话用英文怎么说帮我翻译下以下三句1.我可以离去 祝福你2.她真的比我好吗3.我假装很快乐