用simulink建模时出现错误,Derivative input 1 of 'pidsx21/Gt(s)+Gg(s)/In' at time 1.0925 is Inf or NaN.Stopping simulation.There may be a singularity in the solution.If not,try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or b

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/03 08:18:10

用simulink建模时出现错误,Derivative input 1 of 'pidsx21/Gt(s)+Gg(s)/In' at time 1.0925 is Inf or NaN.Stopping simulation.There may be a singularity in the solution.If not,try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or b
Derivative input 1 of 'pidsx21/Gt(s)+Gg(s)/In' at time 1.0925 is Inf or NaN.Stopping simulation.There may be a singularity in the solution.If not,try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error tolerances)

用simulink建模时出现错误,Derivative input 1 of 'pidsx21/Gt(s)+Gg(s)/In' at time 1.0925 is Inf or NaN.Stopping simulation.There may be a singularity in the solution.If not,try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or b

用simulink建模时出现错误,Derivative input 1 of 'pidsx21/Gt(s)+Gg(s)/In' at time 1.0925 is Inf or NaN.Stopping simulation.There may be a singularity in the solution.If not,try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or b simulink仿真中的问题我在用MATLAB中的SIMULINK做仿真时出现以下错误提示,Trouble solving algebraic loop containing 'chap5_1sim/TmpHiddenBuffer_Feeding_S-Function_AtInput1' at time 3400. Stopping simulation. There may be a singula simulink仿真中出现下面的错误,啥意思? simulink建模问题我使用simulink建模时,模块排得不整齐,导致连线时不直,请问有什么办法可以令到模块整齐一些? 用simulink进行仿真时,出现错误,simulink中sum出错,Algebraic state in algebraic loop containing 'Lxsvpwm/Subsystem2/Sum2' computed at time 0.0 is Inf or NaN.There may be a singularity in the solution.If the model is correct,try reducing the Simulink建模如何将元件反向放置? Simulink常微分方程建模仿真问题 在做ADAMS/MATLAB 联合仿真时出现的错误,出现的错误为:Block error S-Function Simulink Error in S-function’antenna/adams_sub1ADAMS Plant/S-Function’:S-Function’adams_plant’does not exist我用的是ADAMS2007,已经将adams_plant 0在建模时会出现 建模器错误;列表中无足够的项...m要用呀, Matlab在数学建模中的仿真是用什么工具?是simulink么?还是直接编写M文件? maya建模时出现颜色怎么回事 请教下UG7.0在建模时会出现 建模器错误;列表中无足够的项...了解的说下吧, 麻烦看下UG7.0在建模时会出现 建模器错误;列表中无足够的项...要用呀, 0在建模时会出现 建模器错误;列表中无足够的项... 有人了解的告诉下哟, 请问有谁知道UG7.0在建模时会出现 建模器错误;列表中无足够的项...要用呀, 请教下UG7.0在建模时会出现 建模器错误;列表中无足够的项... 熟悉的看下吧, 请教下UG7.0在建模时会出现 建模器错误;列表中无足够的项... 熟悉的看下吧, midas建模时将桁架单元修改为索单元时出现如下提示: [错误] 单元 数据(号:134)内有错.有请高手解释midas建模时将桁架单元修改为索单元是出现如下提示: [错误] 单元 数据(号:134)内有错误.(