
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 01:36:06


How does this topic mainly aim at uses AVR monolithic integrated circuit ATmega16L the control behavior to carry on the simulation to the operator, thus achieves the bicycle robot's balancing control. And step-by-steps the electrical machinery take the digital simulation control circuit as the forward channel, and realizes bicycle's balancing control take the angular speed sensor as the echo channel. takes the controlled plant the bicycle robot is take the bicycle as a foundation, matches again rotates the steering handle and actuates trailing wheel's director constitution, middle chassis's dwang when the chassis inclines, because the inertia function can be opposite in sensor's axis rotation. Thus causes sensor's output voltage to change, may obtain chassis's angle of tilt through the control circuit to output voltage's processing. surveys bicycle's angle of tilt take the angular speed sensor as the sensitive sensor, realized the pilotless bicycle robot's small scope to control stably initially. Based on take the monolithic integrated circuit as the core electric circuit, realizes with the assembly language programming to sensor's output signal carries on processing, thus realizes according to the processing result to step-by-steps electrical machinery's position servo-control, thus causes the bicycle robot maintains balanced.

This subject mainly on how to use ATmega16L chip to operator AVR micro control behavior simulation, so as to achieve the balance control. Bicycle robots, Digital simulation control circuit and stepper...


This subject mainly on how to use ATmega16L chip to operator AVR micro control behavior simulation, so as to achieve the balance control. Bicycle robots, Digital simulation control circuit and stepper motor to channel, and for the former in response to tilt sensor channels to achieve the balance of bicycles.
As the controlled objects based on bicycle bicycle robot, match again with rotating handlebar and drive the implementation of the rear bodywork, including device in the middle bar when rotating inertia effect due to tilt sensors will relative rotation axis. Thus the output voltage sensor changes, through the control circuit of output voltage can be obtained with the bodywork Angle.
With angular sensor for sensitive sensors measuring Angle of bicycle, realize the unmanned bicycle robot control small range. Based on singlechip circuit with assembly language programming, to the output signal processing of sensors, according to the result of the treatment of stepping motor position servo control, thus make bicycle robot balance.


The main subject of how to use the AVR for single-chip ATmega16L the operator to control the conduct of the simulation, so as to achieve a balance bike robot control. Digital simulation and stepper mo...


The main subject of how to use the AVR for single-chip ATmega16L the operator to control the conduct of the simulation, so as to achieve a balance bike robot control. Digital simulation and stepper motor control circuit for the former to the channel, and the angular velocity sensor for the reaction channel to achieve the balance of bike control.
Bicycle as a charged object is a bicycle-based robot, together with rotating handlebar and rear wheel drive unit consisting of the implementation, in which the central body of the rotating rod tilted in the body as a result of the role of inertial sensors will be compared with the axis of rotation. So that the sensor output voltage changes, by controlling the output voltage of the circuit can be the body to deal with the tilt angle.
Sensitive to angular velocity sensor for the tilt sensor measuring cycling point of view, the initial realization of the unmanned robot bike stability control a small area. Based on a single chip at the core of the circuit, using assembly language programming of the sensor output signals are processed in order to deal with the results based on the realization of the position of the stepper motor servo control so that the robot to maintain a balance bike.


The main subject of how to use the AVR for single-chip ATmega16L the operator to control the conduct of the simulation, so as to achieve a balance bike robot control. Digital simulation a...


The main subject of how to use the AVR for single-chip ATmega16L the operator to control the conduct of the simulation, so as to achieve a balance bike robot control. Digital simulation and stepper motor control circuit for the former to the channel, and the angular velocity sensor for the reaction channel to achieve the balance of bike control.
Bicycle as a charged object is a bicycle-based robot, together with rotating handlebar and rear wheel drive unit consisting of the implementation, in which the central body of the rotating rod tilted in the body as a result of the role of inertial sensors will be compared with the axis of rotation. So that the sensor output voltage changes, by controlling the output voltage of the circuit can be the body to deal with the tilt angle.
Sensitive to angular velocity sensor for the tilt sensor measuring cycling point of view, the initial realization of the unmanned robot bike stability control a small area. Based on a single chip at the core of the circuit, using assembly language programming of the sensor output signals are processed in order to deal with the results based on the realization of the position of the stepper motor servo control so that the robot to maintain a balance bike.


英语翻译本课题主要针对如何使用AVR单片机ATmega16L对操作者的控制行为进行模拟,从而达到自行车机器人的平衡控制.以数字模拟控制电路和步进电机为前向通道,并以角速度传感器为反响通道 英语翻译“Android是一种基于Linux的自由及开放源代码的操作系统,主要使用于便携设备,如智能手机和平板电脑.目前尚未有统一中文名称,中国大陆地区较多人使用“安卓”或“安致”.本课题 英语翻译百度、有道在线翻译的不来,急,内容如下:本课题主要是针对电源开关防水盖板注塑成型工艺及模具设计,通过对塑件进行工艺分析,最终设计出一副注塑模具.课题从产品结构工艺性 英语翻译本系统分为前台与后台两部分组成,前台主要针对消费者,主要包括商品展示、会员注册、登录、购物车管理、订单管理等功能模块;后台由管理员使用,主要包括商品管理、订单管理 英语翻译这本书主要供大学使用 8051单片机引脚EA的作用?在使用8031单片机时该引脚如何处理 请问!51单片 PIC单片机 AVR单片机 有什么区别?我是外行!嵌入式系统,C语言 ,集成电路,51单片 PIC单片机 AVR单片机 有什么区别?假如我打算开发一个:能用按钮替代手动开关的集成电路,并且带有 溶剂法回收废聚苯乙烯一、本课题研究的意义、国内外研究现状和发展趋势二、本课题的主要研究内容与主要创新点 英语翻译主要针对考试时的课外文言文 英语翻译本课题的主要工作是开发图书管理系统中的两个功能子系统:图书借阅中的流通管理与图书借阅信息查询子系统本论文首先介绍了本课题的背景环境以及设计的主要任务.之后我们首 请教使用AVR MCU的ADC口检测几个电源电压,使用内部2.56V参考电压,使用电阻分压的方法采样,电阻如何选择的问题:AVR单片机供电电压为3.3V;检测几组电源电压:外部电池电压12V稳压后5V、3.3V为 英语翻译如何正确看待并有效应对摩擦,已成为国内理论界关注的焦点,本论文主要从贸易角度讨论中国国际贸易摩擦的问题,对我国对外贸易摩擦形成的原因进行分析,并针对我国贸易摩擦的具 英语翻译本论题研究思路是以中国绿色饭店发展为背景,了解饭店面对挑战与机遇并存的绿色饭店发展形势,如何把握机遇,迎接挑战.首先从调查饭店文化与经营特色着手,主要针对饭店的经营 超声波多普勒流量计 论文文献综述求一个 超声波多普勒流量计 论文的 文献综述要求 一、综述本课题国内外现状二、本课题目前的主要研究成果三、本课题的发展趋势 英语翻译本课题主要研究非线性规划最优解算法的新方法.非线性规划在军事,经济,管理,生产过程自动化,工程设计和产品优化设计等方面都有着重要的应用.但非线性规划的研究目前还不成熟, 英语翻译本课题主要研究非线性规划最优解算法的新方法.非线性规划在军事,经济,管理,生产过程自动化,工程设计和产品优化设计等方面都有着重要的应用.但非线性规划的研究目前还不成熟, 英语翻译本毕业设计课题将主要以校园局域网络建设过程可能用到的各种技术及实施方案为设计方向,为校园网的建设提供理论依据和实践指导 英语翻译丙二酸亚异丙酯是重要的有机合成中间体,主要用于医药、能源等诸多领域.本课题根据查阅的文献、反应机理的分析,确定最佳的合成路线,并对反应温度、反应时间、反应物摩尔配比