帮我写封回信吧.80字左右就可以了..Dear knowledgeable,My best friend,Mei,has a problem.There is a really important English speech contest for our whole city next month.Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest.E

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 14:18:12

帮我写封回信吧.80字左右就可以了..Dear knowledgeable,My best friend,Mei,has a problem.There is a really important English speech contest for our whole city next month.Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest.E
Dear knowledgeable,
My best friend,Mei,has a problem.There is a really important English speech contest for our whole city next month.Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest.Everybody is sure she will win.It's probably true.Mei is very clever and can speak English really well .In fact,she always comes top in the school exams.The problem is that she's very shy .She doesn't want to let her friends down,but she's terrified of speaking in front of other people.
She's my friend,so she can tell me that she is shy.But she can't tell everyone that.I don't think they would believe her.I can't think of any good advice to give her,but you always come up with good solutions to people's problems.What do you think I should tell Mei?What do you think I should tell the rest of the students?

帮我写封回信吧.80字左右就可以了..Dear knowledgeable,My best friend,Mei,has a problem.There is a really important English speech contest for our whole city next month.Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest.E
Dear Fran
You needn't worry about this.You can just tell her not to be shy.You can also say something to encourage her and to make her more confident.If she is still shy after you tell her,you can just bring her to the English Corner.There she will make a lot of friends and she can have more confidence.Tell her just have a try.And please tell everybody to believe her.Then she will surely get a good result.

帮我写封回信吧.80字左右就可以了..Dear knowledgeable,My best friend,Mei,has a problem.There is a really important English speech contest for our whole city next month.Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest.E 七、作文.(35分)给知心姐姐写封回信要求:1、按下面知心姐姐的来信内容,以王欣的名义写封回信.2、按书信格式写,字数在450字左右.附:小辉同学:你在来信中说,有一件事使你落泪了.我 居里夫人的肖像描写谁帮我写居里夫人的肖像啊````` 200字左右就可以了`````谢谢了啊````` 谁帮我写篇以健康为话题的作文啊?200字左右就可以了 能帮我写一篇以 不等式的爱情 的文章吗、字数在200字左右就可以了、 帮我写封简短英文回信laoyang,I wish you and you family have a wonderful Chinese New Year!Zhiping以上是我收到的信件 请帮我写封英语回信,1、Grance写给Daniel 的回信2、内容是收到他的来信很开心,很喜欢他提出的到西班牙旅行露营的建议3、并为可以结交他在西班牙两所学校的两位好朋友amy和ryan感到荣幸4、 以换位为话题的作文怎么写,哪位作文高手帮我写篇,写得好,400字左右就可以了 谁帮我写篇作文题目是“我的朋友”别写的太好600字左右就够了.我加分.如果你不会写那就给我开头和结尾吧你们只要给我写一个方面就可以了:写乐于助人的方面的事情给我写长点啊谢谢 求封英文回信信封内容是:姓名:Mike Smith地址:多伦多市Scarborough大街111号按书写格式写下只要写信封就行了 卷首语设计我要做一本电子杂志,名为幻想之翼,请大家帮我写一篇卷首语,200字左右就可以了. 我前天给导师写了封信!下面是回信的内容,有经验的师兄,师姐教教我啊!回信内容:”欢迎你.我将帮助你.并且希望在未来有一个共事的瞬间.“ 孩子给家长写了一封信.家长又给我们写了一封,我们要写一封回信写一封我们读了家长写的信,我们写回信 假如你是Mary,你的笔友Linda给你写了一封信,倾述了她的烦恼.请你根据来信写封回信,60~80个词. 帮我写一篇读报笔记,300字左右,6小结就行了 帮我写篇《第一次xx》的作文 600字左右就行了求大神帮助 请帮我写一篇五年级作文 500字左右快点可以吗?求求你们了~~~帮帮忙吧~~~~急用! 急:九上语文书读后感谁帮我写2篇语文书九上读后感呀!400字左右就可以了,有分!