c语言求改错#include typedef struct Birthday{short year;short month;short day;}Bir;typedef struct Student{char name[10];long ID;Bir birthday;float height;float weight;}STU;STU MyClass[5];void StudyStructMem(){printf("\tsize\tAddr0\tAddr1\tAddr2\t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/06 11:32:36

c语言求改错#include typedef struct Birthday{short year;short month;short day;}Bir;typedef struct Student{char name[10];long ID;Bir birthday;float height;float weight;}STU;STU MyClass[5];void StudyStructMem(){printf("\tsize\tAddr0\tAddr1\tAddr2\t
typedef struct Birthday
short year;
short month;
short day;
typedef struct Student
char name[10];
long ID;
Bir birthday;
float height;
float weight;
STU MyClass[5];
void StudyStructMem()
void main()
C:\Users\IdeaPad\Desktop\Project8\eight1.c(27) :error C2275:'Bir' :illegal use of this type as an expression
C:\Users\IdeaPad\Desktop\Project8\eight1.c(9) :see declaration of 'Bir'
C:\Users\IdeaPad\Desktop\Project8\eight1.c(29) :error C2275:'STU' :illegal use of this type as an expression
C:\Users\IdeaPad\Desktop\Project8\eight1.c(18) :see declaration of 'STU'

c语言求改错#include typedef struct Birthday{short year;short month;short day;}Bir;typedef struct Student{char name[10];long ID;Bir birthday;float height;float weight;}STU;STU MyClass[5];void StudyStructMem(){printf("\tsize\tAddr0\tAddr1\tAddr2\t
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct Birthday
 short year;
 short month;
 short day;
typedef struct Student
 char name[10];
 long ID;
 Bir birthday;
 float height;
 float weight;
STU MyClass[5];
void StudyStructMem()
 printf("%x\t%x\t%x\t%x\n", &Bir, &Bir.year, &Bir.month, &Bir.day);//Bir是类型 不能取地址 
 printf("%x\t%x\t%x\t%x\t%x\t%x\n", &STU, &STU.name, &STU.ID, &STU.Br, &STU.height, &STU.weight);//STU是类型 不能作为取地址 变量输出
 printf("%x\t%x\t%x\t%x\t%x\t%x\n", &MyClass, &MyClass[0], &MyClass[1], &MyClass[2], &MyClass[3], &MyClass[4]);

求一道C语言改错题 C语言改错题目 C语言改错题,好急,求各路大神指导 c语言算法框图求 小型通讯录那道题的算法框图 #include #include #define N 100 C语言题目一道求解#include c语言改错题,马上的交的作业.#include#include#define M 20void fun(char t[]){char c;int i,j;for(i=strlen(t);i;i--)for(j=0;j C语言改错题...#include #define N 10;float max(float a[], int n);void main(){ float data[N]; int i; for(i=0;i 这个c语言编程每一句都甚么意思?#include #include #include c语言题改错#include long fun ( int k) { if k > 0 return (k*fun(k-1)); else if ( k=0 ) return 1L} main() { int k = 10 ; printf(%d!=%ld ,k,fun ( k )) ; }给定程序mod1.c中函数fun的功能是:求n!,例如:给n输入5,则输出120.000000 _______ the exercises ,she saved them in the disk.A.Typing B.Having C.Having typed D.After typed求翻译,in the disk 怎么做C语言程序改错题 c语言中求平方根#include#includeint main(){double x,y;printf(请输入x:);scanf(%f,&x);if (0 雅可比迭代法求方程根C语言程序改错#include#includemain(){int n,M,i,j;printf(请输入希望迭代的次数);scanf(%d,&M);printf(请输入方程阶数);scanf(%d,&n);float p,y[n],x[n],a[n][n],b[n];printf(请输入误差限);sca c语言求改错#include typedef struct Birthday{short year;short month;short day;}Bir;typedef struct Student{char name[10];long ID;Bir birthday;float height;float weight;}STU;STU MyClass[5];void StudyStructMem(){printf( size Addr0 Addr1 Addr2 C语言 求1000之内最大的25个素数之和#include #include #include int fun(int high){ int sum=0,n=0,j,yes;while((high>=2) &&(n 求2010年二级c语言上机改错100道题库和填空题100道库 c 语言编程关于求三角形面积.#include #include main(){long float a ,b,c,d,e,area;printf(input three numbers : );Loop:scanf (%lf %lf %lf,&a,&b,&c);e=(a>b?b:a);if((e+c c语言求两实数平方根之和,再输出此和#include #include main( ){ //c= sqr(a)+sqr(b) ;printf (c= %f ,c); } found下一行有错误,