如何培养孩子 How To Develop a Child

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如何培养孩子 How To Develop a Child
如何培养孩子 How To Develop a Child

如何培养孩子 How To Develop a Child
Not leaving
the child in peace is the greatest problem of present methods of
training children. Parents do not see that during the whole life,
the need of peace is never greater than in the years of childhood,
an inner peace under all outside liveliness.
不能让孩子处于平静中是当前培养孩子所使用的方法中最大的问题.父母们不知道在孩子整个的一生中,对平静的需要任何时候都没有在孩提时代那么重要---一种超然物外的内心平静.But whatdoes a child experience? Corrections, orders, interference,the
whole livelong day. The child is always required to leave something
alone, or to do something different, to find something different,
or to want something different from what he does, or finds , or
wants. He is always guided in another direction from the true inner
will that is leading him. All of this is caused by our so –called
enthusiasm in directing, advising, and helping the child to become
the same model produced in one assembly line. Understanding, the
deepest characteristic of love, is almost alwaysabsent.
可是,孩子体验到了什么呢?孩子体验了来自家长的日复一日的纠正,命令,干预.家长总是要求孩子不要碰这,不要动那,或者让孩子去做不是他内心真正想做的事情.家长总是按自己的意愿去引导孩子,所有这一切都是由于我们做家长的所谓的满腔热情导致的,我们想要孩子成为像工厂的流水线上一个模子出来的那样.而理解和对孩子性格的深深的关爱却几乎总是不存在.To bringup a child means carrying one’s soul in one’s hand; it means never
placing ourselves in danger of meeting the cold look on the face of
the child. It means the truth that the ways of injuring the child
are limitless while the ways of being useful to him are few.
How seldom does the educator remember that the child, even at four
or five years of age, has already had a sharp feeling! The smallest
mistrust and unkindness, the least act of injustice, leave wounds
that last for life in the heart of the child. While, on the other
hand, unexpected friendliness and kindness make quite as deep an
impression on those soft senses.