今晚就要,能借多少是多少,如果有不对的请自行修改,因为是老师手写的,我也看不清谢谢1.代词1.This is( )family.( )am a student.( )like( )father very much and he loves( ),too.Look!what's that on(

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 11:27:50

今晚就要,能借多少是多少,如果有不对的请自行修改,因为是老师手写的,我也看不清谢谢1.代词1.This is( )family.( )am a student.( )like( )father very much and he loves( ),too.Look!what's that on(
1.This is( )family.( )am a student.( )like( )father very much and he loves( ),too.Look!what's that on( )desk?Oh,it's a pen.It's( )(I)
2.What's( )name?( )look like my brother.( )are my new classmate.This is( )desk,please sit down.And the books are( ),too.(you)
3.Who are( ( )are tom's friends.I know( )(they)( )names are Jack and John.
4.Who's the boy?( )is a student of class two.Look.It's( )classroom.( )is a good student,so everyone like( ).(he)
1.I( )(like)( )(play)sports.I ofter( )(do)sports nith Jim.He( )(like)basketball.He( )(be)fat.so he( )(want)( )(play)it every day.It( )(be)good for our health.Now,I( )(be)busy( )(do)my homework,after it,I can( )(watch)TV.I like( )(watch)TV very much.I( )(not like)doing my homework for a long time.Jim( )(not like)it,etther.

今晚就要,能借多少是多少,如果有不对的请自行修改,因为是老师手写的,我也看不清谢谢1.代词1.This is( )family.( )am a student.( )like( )father very much and he loves( ),too.Look!what's that on(
1.代词1.This is(my )family.( I)am a student.( I)like( my)father very much and he loves(me ),too.Look!what's that on(my )desk?Oh,it's a pen.It's(mine )(I)2.What's(your )name?(you )look like my brother.( you)are my new classmate.This is( ryou)desk,please sit down.And the books are(yours ),too.(you)3.Who are(they )?(they )are tom's friends.I know( them)(they)(their )names are Jack and John.4.Who's the boy?( he)is a student of class two.Look.It's(his)classroom.(he )is a good student,so everyone like( him).(he)2.动词1.I(like)(playing)sports.I often(do)sports nith Jim.He(likes)basketball.He( is)fat.so he(wants)(to play)it every day.It(is )good for our health.Now,I(am )busy(doing)my homework,after it,I can(watch)TV.I like(watching)TV very much.I(don't like)doing my homework for a long time.Jim( doesn't like)it,etther.

今晚就要,能借多少是多少,如果有不对的请自行修改,因为是老师手写的,我也看不清谢谢1.代词1.This is( )family.( )am a student.( )like( )father very much and he loves( ),too.Look!what's that on( 今晚就要,能借多少是多少,如果有错的请自行订正,因为是老师手写的,我也看不懂谢谢1.连词成句1.not,does,he,like,playing,sports.2.sixth,the,day,Friday,week,of is,a.2.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.My father like 分子是七的真分数有多少个?今晚就要! 一种糖水含糖量是20%,有50克糖,能配制多少克水?今晚就要! 全班有36人,其中四分之三是男生.如果转来4名女生,那么现在女生与全班人数的比是多少?今晚就要急急 小学时候都有那些难忘的事?,今晚就要,能详细点最好 人教版的,今晚就要, 不等式-3x》x的解集是多少?今晚就要! 哲理的近义词是什么?请快回答,今晚就要写! 如果要画表格的,请画下表格,今晚就要, 谁能告诉我留言条的格式.快,今晚就要. 一副三角板能组成多少个不同的角?要全部的!今晚就要!求你了! 今晚就要,1、甲乙两箱桔子一共125千克,如果从甲箱中取出18千克放入乙箱,此时,乙箱的重量就是甲箱的4倍,两箱原来各有桔子多少千克?2、一个数扩大100倍后,比这个数多772.2,这个数是多少?3、 有谁知道 有关于关爱的作文啊 今晚就要 Who 能告诉我有没有热爱生命的故事.求求求,今晚就要,除了黄美廉的故事, 有一群鸭,河里的只数是岸上的3倍,如果有26只上岸,那么岸上的就与河里的一样多.问一共有多少鸭子?今晚就要! 今日月全食具体在什么时间?今晚会有月全食但不知道在什么时间,知道的请告诉我,如果这次看不到,那下次看就要等到2011年6月16日了? 谁有余音绕梁的文言文,今晚就要,`·~