那位英语大仙帮我修改一下口语报告的小作文!就是个口语小报告 我想介绍一下豆瓣这个网站 但是吧 自己改着改着实在是词穷啊、 希望大家能给我的小报告升个级呗~跪谢、、、改完了能发

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 22:34:05

那位英语大仙帮我修改一下口语报告的小作文!就是个口语小报告 我想介绍一下豆瓣这个网站 但是吧 自己改着改着实在是词穷啊、 希望大家能给我的小报告升个级呗~跪谢、、、改完了能发
就是个口语小报告 我想介绍一下豆瓣这个网站 但是吧 自己改着改着实在是词穷啊、 希望大家能给我的小报告升个级呗~跪谢、、、改完了能发俺邮箱不[email protected]谢谢谢、、
Today I would like to introduce one of my favorite sites to you,and its name is Douban.The site address is www.douban.com.I am on this site almost every day.I remembered that one of my best friends recommended it to me three years ago.This site is simple but very content and it is of great benefit to me.On this site,you can see a lot of introductions and recommendations about many books,movies and music.Everyone can express their views about a book.You can also see the price comparison about the same book on various sites.You can also communicate with the author's about your own thoughts and views.You can also see evaluation and summary about the classic movies on it.There is the authority of the films ranked.Another feature of this site is its music recommendation.I know a lot of good songs through this site.There are a lot of people who love music and make their own songs.These songs are very popular among us.On this site,you can find other people who have the same interests with you,and you can also add a variety of strange and interesting groups.This is the most important reason why I like this site.I met a lot of new friends through this site.This site has a variety of groups.Some groups are about the snacks,some teams are about pop music,and some groups are on the travel and photography and so on.Because the same hobbies,the web site to all of us gathered together.Communication with us,discover and discuss.I like this feeling.

那位英语大仙帮我修改一下口语报告的小作文!就是个口语小报告 我想介绍一下豆瓣这个网站 但是吧 自己改着改着实在是词穷啊、 希望大家能给我的小报告升个级呗~跪谢、、、改完了能发
Today I would like to introduce one of my favorite sites to you.Its name is Douban. The site address is www.douban.com. I am on this site almost every day. I remembered that one of my best friends recommended it to me three years ago. This site is simple but very content and it is of great benefit to me. On this site, you can see a lot of introductions and recommendations about many books, movies and music. Everyone can express their views about books. You can not only see the price comparison about the same book on various sites,but also communicate with the author's about your own thoughts and views. Besides that, You can also see evaluation and summary about the classic movies . There is the authority of the films ranked. Another feature of this site is its music recommendation. I know a lot of good songs through this site. There are a lot of people who love music and make their own songs. These songs are very popular among us. On this site, you can find other people who have the same interests with you, and you can also add a variety of strange and interesting groups. This is the most important reason that I like it. I knew a lot of new friends through this site. This site has a variety of groups. Some groups are about the snacks, others are about pop music.Some groups are on the travel and photography and so on. Because of the same hobbies, the web site gathered all of us together,communicated with us, discovered and discussed with us. I like this kind of feeling.

那位英语大仙帮我修改一下口语报告的小作文!就是个口语小报告 我想介绍一下豆瓣这个网站 但是吧 自己改着改着实在是词穷啊、 希望大家能给我的小报告升个级呗~跪谢、、、改完了能发 那位大师能三一口语6级自选话题作文是能给我借鉴一下题目的 英语作文我的理想当医生150字初中水平 那位大虾帮一下 英语作文:请帮我修改一下, 那位好心人帮我修改一下英语作文,语法 ,拼写错误,等等A Recruiting Poster of Student Volunteers' AssociationToday the Recruiting poster of student volunteer' Association will find new student volunteers' ,That is a good chance ,Tha 乱世佳人的英语版简介我要写英语作文,麻烦提供一下,最好是写一下这种英语报告. 想请位会英语的帮我修改一下这偏英语作文,特想提高写作能力 那位朋友帮我翻译一下 英语 今生遇见你是我的福气 那位大神可以帮我用英语写一下 那位英语高人给我翻译一下 那位英语天才来帮我一下了 昨天给我们作报告的那位妇女是名教授用英语怎么说 语病 听了小素的介绍,我心里真是由衷地感谢刘佳 听了几位校友的报告后,我的心长时间久久不能平静修改语病 英语翻译那位朋友帮我翻一下,警察局的“讯问室”的英语, 英语翻译那位大大能帮我翻译一下要符合英语的习惯 那位网友可帮我翻译一下[龙飞]的英语么! 那位英语大神能用四级标准帮我点评一下作文,然后给个分? 写景抒情的作文那位告诉我一下