
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 17:31:26


本文设计了一种实用数字万年历,这种万年历不仅具有了一般电子时钟的基本功能,显示年月日时分秒,而且可以进行闹钟设置,温度显示,以及声控感光显示功能.(这里我改了下,可视区域 能被声或光启动)
This article describes the design of a functional digital perpetual calendar.
This calendar not only has the basic functions of typical electronic clock,such as display the year/ month/ date/ hour/ minute/ second,but also can set alarm,display temperature,and its vision area can be activated by sound (voice) as well as light.
The system design uses AT89S52 singlechip as the core conctroller,which connects with the peripheral units such as clock module,temperature module,display module,etc.
The singlechip is the micro-controller.It is a clip of extraordinary controlling function and is exclusively designed for this application.
The clock module uses small trickle charge clock chip DS1302 of DALLAS Company.
The temperature detection uses digital temperature sensor of DALLAS Company.
The display assembly uses general type of 1602 LCD.
System software uses singlechip programming language C51.
Keywords:clock; singlechip/SCM; LCD; C51 language; perpetual calendar.

This paper describes the design of a practical digital calendar, the design of the system is AT89S52 microcontroller as the core controller, and consists of the clock module, temperature detecting mod...


This paper describes the design of a practical digital calendar, the design of the system is AT89S52 microcontroller as the core controller, and consists of the clock module, temperature detecting module, display module. Microcontroller is the microcontroller, is the application of object-oriented design, highlight the control function of the chip, the clock module uses DALLAS company's small trickle charge clock chip DS1302, digital temperature sensor DALLAS with temperature detection, display using the general 1602 lcd. The electronic clock not only has basic functions of general electronic clock, display the date when the minutes and seconds, and you can set alarm, temperature display, light display function and voice. System software using single-chip C51 programming language


A practical digitalperpetualcalendar is design in this paper. The system is designed using the AT89S52 SCM as the core controller and...


A practical digitalperpetualcalendar is design in this paper. The system is designed using the AT89S52 SCM as the core controller and the peripherally connected with clock module, temperature detecting module and display module etc.
SCM is a microcontroller, it is a chip for the design of object-oriented application to highlight the control functions; the small trickle charge clock chip DS1302 of DALLASCompanyis used for clock module; the digital temperature sensor of DALLAS Company is used for temperature detection; and the general 1602 lcd is used for display.
The electronic clock is designed not only with all the basic functions of normal electronic clock, such as display of year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds, but also with functions as alarm setting, temperature display and voice-controlled light sensitive display. The system software used for programming is the SCM C51 language.
Keywords: clock; SCM; LCD; C51 language; perpetual calendar.


This article describes the design of a practical digital perpetual calendar. The system is designed for using the AT89S52 single-chip...


This article describes the design of a practical digital perpetual calendar. The system is designed for using the AT89S52 single-chip microcomputer (SCM) as the core controller, which is connected with peripherals such as clock module, temperature detection module and display module, etc.
SCM is a microcontroller, which is a chip designed with extraordinary control functions for object-oriented applications; the small trickle charge clock chip DS1302 of DALLAS Company is used for clock module; the digital temperature sensor of DALLAS Company is used for temperature detection; and the General 1602 LCD is used for display.
This electronic clock is designed not only with the basic functions of a typical electronic clock, such as the display of year, month, day, hour, minute and second, but also with features as alarm setting, temperature display, sound volume control and light sensitive display. The system software used for programming is the SCM C51 language.
Keywords: clock; Single-chip microcomputer (SCM); LCD; C51 language; perpetual calendar.


英语翻译本文设计了一种实用数字万年历,该系统的设计是以AT89S52单片机为核心控制器,外围连接时钟模块,温度检测模块,显示模块等.单片机就是微控制器,是面向应用对象设计、突出控制功能 英语翻译本文次设计通过PLC实现了水塔水位的自动控制,设计出一种成本低、实用价值高的水塔水位控制器.该系统具有水位检测功能.采用独立的电路实现高、低水位处理,自动控制电机电路. 英语翻译本文主要论述了步行街景观设计中关于街灯设计的实用与美观的关系.其中涉及到现代景观设计与早期景观设计的社会性差别,人文精神变化,城市修养发展等问题.对城市建设的发展, 英语翻译本文在总体概述该数字电子钟电路工作原理的基础上,详细分析了计数电路,译码显示电路的设计过程.最后,对本设计中的电子钟进行了测试与调试.在线翻译的就不必了,这个我也会 英语翻译摘 要本文针对现代家居的各种电器,介绍了一种以单片机为核心的无线电器遥控系统.该无线遥控系统采用8051单片机作为硬件与软件的设计器件,该系统工作频率稳定,发射器及接收器 英语翻译本课题在焊接机器人的基础上,对木工用液压式冷压机上工作台焊接专机进行了设计,并用了一台三工位双机器人焊接设备.本文在机械部分和控制部分两方面论述了该焊接设备的设计 英语翻译本文着重介绍Matlab在信号处理中的应用仿真.首先会简单介绍Matlab软件的一些情况,Matlab是一种实用的工程性设计语言.由于它数值计算高效准确的特点,被广泛的用于做信号处理、自动 英语翻译【摘要】本文主要论述了一种基于51 单片机为核心控制器的数控直流稳压电源的设计原理和实现方法.该电源具有电压可预置、可步进调整、输出的电压信号和电流信号可同时显示功 英语翻译主要采用Atmel公司AT89S52单片机、××LCD、Dallas公司的单总线温度传感器DS18B20设计一种万年历.经Proteus和Keil联合仿真,结果证明系统能实时显示时间信息及当前温度,有矩阵键盘,方便操 北极星万年历由于电压过高坏了怎么修,所有的数字都不显示了, 万年历 万年历 电子万年历插上电源后不显示时间了,没数字,灯闪烁是什么原因 英语翻译摘 要目前家用的数字电子钟,多数只能显示小时、分钟等信息,功能单一,而且大都采用LED数码管作为显示器件,功耗大,不能令消费者满意.为此,本文设计了一款多功能数字式电子钟,它 设计万年历的意义和目的是什么 英语翻译本文阐述了基于J2ME的手机软件开发平台的系统结构基于系统的开发平台,设计了客户端与服务端的通讯协议.本文详细介绍了手机阅读软件的结构、并通过ACCESS数据库实现了该结构. 英语翻译采用8051单片机系统实现了水位的自动控制,设计一种成本低、实用价值高的水塔水位控制器.具有水位检测、低水位高水位报警和自动加水等功能.本设计过程中主要采用了传感器技术 英语翻译本文简明阐述了长期精心养护管理是充分体现设计意图和保持绿地景观的关键.