完成句子,填空.1.我弟弟有许多爱好,像集邮,滑冰等.My brother has many hobbies,___ ___ stamps,skating and so on.2.这篮子装得太满,我提不动它.The basket is so full that I can't ___ it.3.我无法想象出100年之后我们

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 20:56:09

完成句子,填空.1.我弟弟有许多爱好,像集邮,滑冰等.My brother has many hobbies,___ ___ stamps,skating and so on.2.这篮子装得太满,我提不动它.The basket is so full that I can't ___ it.3.我无法想象出100年之后我们
1.我弟弟有许多爱好,像集邮,滑冰等.My brother has many hobbies,___ ___ stamps,skating and so on.2.这篮子装得太满,我提不动它.The basket is so full that I can't ___ it.3.我无法想象出100年之后我们的生活是什么样子.I ___ ___ what our life will ___ ___ in 100 years.4.非常感谢你为慈善事业募集资金.Thank you very much ___ ___ ___ for charity.5.你的善良将能够改变那些贫穷的孩子们的未来.Your kindness will ___ ___ ___ ___ the poor childen's future.6.正是你的帮忙才使我重返校园.It's you who helped to ___ ___ ___ for me to go back to school.7.互联网使人们购物更加容易.The Internet ___ ___ easier for people ___ ___.8.他认为在这么短的时间内完成这项工作很难.He thinks ___ difficult ___ ___ the work in such a short time.9.我发现和朋友网上聊天很有趣.I find ___ interesting ___ ___online with friends.

完成句子,填空.1.我弟弟有许多爱好,像集邮,滑冰等.My brother has many hobbies,___ ___ stamps,skating and so on.2.这篮子装得太满,我提不动它.The basket is so full that I can't ___ it.3.我无法想象出100年之后我们
1 我弟弟有许多爱好,像集邮,滑冰等.
My brother has many hobbies, (such as) stamps,skating and so on.
The basket is so full that I can't (carry) it.
I (can't imagine) what our life will (be like) in 100 years.
Thank you very much (for raising money) for charity.
Your kindness will (be able to change) the poor childen's future.
It's you who helped to (make it possible) for me to go back to school.
The Internet (makes it) easier for people (to shop).
He thinks (it) difficult (to finish) the work in such a short time.
I find (it) interesting (to chat) online with friends.

完成句子,填空.1.我弟弟有许多爱好,像集邮,滑冰等.My brother has many hobbies,___ ___ stamps,skating and so on.2.这篮子装得太满,我提不动它.The basket is so full that I can't ___ it.3.我无法想象出100年之后我们 我有许多爱好,像打篮球,跑步和游泳(like)英语是什么? 她有许多爱好 英语怎么说 完成句子.我们有许多时间进行课外活动. 我爷爷有许多爱好,比如看京剧和下象棋 .英语翻译 根据中文提示完成句子(八下)1.我有很多爱好,比如说航海、攀登,还有打排球.I have many hobbied,such as _____,climbing ,_____ _____ _____ playing volleyball.2.通过你的爱好,你学到了哪些新技能?Which new _____ 1.短文填空.2.完成句子. 1.短文填空.2.完成句子. 初中英语完成句子填空 完成句子填空 中译英 她弟弟有许多朋友她弟弟有许多朋友中译英 英语填空,关于句型,根据汉语完成句子……1.她的妈妈八点钟去上班吗?( )her mother ( )( )( )at eight o‘clock?2.你弟弟通常几点去睡觉?( )( )( )your brother usually ( )( )( 3.我 我们有许多共同的爱好用英语怎么说 我非常爱好 句子补充完整 我非常爱好 句子补充完整 填空:弟弟忽闪忽闪的大眼睛就像____________. 完成句子填空根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限.1、后来他变得很富有.Later he _____.2、他们正在讨论电视节目.They are ______ about TV shows.3、我的弟弟喜欢看动作片.My brother likes watching _____ [根据汉语提示完成句子]我爸爸收藏了许多书籍.My father ( ) a ( ) book ().谢谢