( )the manager?A.who is in place of B.who is in the place ofC.who shall take the D.who will take place of为什么选A 其他的选项做何解释

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/09 07:39:02

( )the manager?A.who is in place of B.who is in the place ofC.who shall take the D.who will take place of为什么选A 其他的选项做何解释
( )the manager?
A.who is in place of B.who is in the place of
C.who shall take the D.who will take place of
为什么选A 其他的选项做何解释

( )the manager?A.who is in place of B.who is in the place ofC.who shall take the D.who will take place of为什么选A 其他的选项做何解释
who is in place of the manager?
in the place of 在某个地方
instead of 代替……,而不是……(用在名词,代词或介词短语前)
例句 We will go by bus instead of on foot.我们坐车去,而不是步行.
in place of与instead of意思相同.(书面语,代替某人可说in sb's place)
例句 We use gas in place of coal in cooking.我们用煤气代替煤作饭
Our monitor is away.I am action in place of him.我们班长不在,我代替他的职务.
take the place of 取代,代替(做谓语,用在名词,代词前)
例句Tractors have taken the place of horses in many places.在许多地方拖拉机代替了马.
没有take place of 这种用法,所以一定要选A.

is the girl ___is interviewing the manager of manager of that company your friend?A the one who B whom C who为什么选C, The doctor___is going to Europe next year.A.which the manager is talking to B.who the manager is talkingC.the manager is talking to him D.the manager is talking to选哪个啊、、、求解释 who did the manager have____the letter.A:to writeB:writeC:writtenD:writing求解释 the manager of a cinema The girl ( ) is interviewing the manager is my best friend.A.who B.whom C.which D.whose Was it Judy ()the manager gave a negative opinion.A.which Bon whom C to who D.to whom The doctor is going to Europe next year.各题求分析.1.The doctor is going to Europe next year.A.which the manager is talking to B.who the manager is talkingC.the manager is talking to him D.the manager is talking to2.He is everyone respects.A.the what do you think of the new manager of your department?oh,he is ___ manager who is pleasant to work with,it is ___ pleasure to work with him .a:the; /b:a ; / c:a ; a ;d:the ; a ( )the manager?A.who is in place of B.who is in the place ofC.who shall take the D.who will take place of为什么选A 其他的选项做何解释 1.----_____----He's wise ,kind ,patient and easy-going.A.What dose your new manager look like?B.what is your new manager like?C.Who is your new manager like?Who is your new manager?2.I really didn't know who____for the broken window,for none of them ( )the boy over there?he is my feriend () father is a hotel manager.a.who is;who is.b.whose;whose.c.who is;whose.d.whose;who is. 英语翻译The large part of a manager’s job is about supervising and the job is best done by people who know the ropes. 请帮忙翻译下面这段话,谢谢!Cooley is a detail-oriented manager who watches the balance sheet like a hawk without losing sight of the strategic objective. The manager decided to give the job to ____ he believed had a strong sense of duty.A.whoever B.whomever C.who D.those 用 it 改写下列句子1.Who should be the next manager of the football team was still a question 2.The young man was made manager of the team,which surprised everyone 3.Whether the young man can manager the team successfully remains unknown 4.Howe In 1989,Goldstar has a series of problems,but Lee Hun-Jo who a 27 year old Lucky-Goldstar manager saved the ailing Lucky-Goldstar. 英语翻译The manager of a supermarket wants to obtain information about the proportion of customers who dislike a new policy on cashing checks.Suppose the true population proportion of customers who dislike the new policy is 0.5.a) If the manager who can give me a hand?1As we were leaving the hotel,we all told goodbye to the manager who had been so helpful?2,Does anyone know what ______here last light?a.happenedb,happened to c,happened tooccur