用这些单词,短语,写一段话healthy food,eating habits,be good for,do exercise,keep fit,get enough sleep用这些写一段话,不要太难了,开头Health is important to everyone...六十个词左右

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 11:44:33

用这些单词,短语,写一段话healthy food,eating habits,be good for,do exercise,keep fit,get enough sleep用这些写一段话,不要太难了,开头Health is important to everyone...六十个词左右
healthy food,eating habits,be good for,do exercise,keep fit,get enough sleep
开头Health is important to everyone...

用这些单词,短语,写一段话healthy food,eating habits,be good for,do exercise,keep fit,get enough sleep用这些写一段话,不要太难了,开头Health is important to everyone...六十个词左右
Health is important to everyone so we should try our best to keep fit.First ,we should eat healthy food because eating habits is good for our health.Second,we should do more exercise .Finally ,we should get enough sleep.


用这些单词,短语,写一段话healthy food,eating habits,be good for,do exercise,keep fit,get enough sleep用这些写一段话,不要太难了,开头Health is important to everyone...六十个词左右 用这些单词,短语,写一段话healthy food,eating habits,be good for,do exercise,keep fit,get enough sleep用这些写一段话,不要太难了,开头Health is important to everyone... 随便写一段英语,但要用上locate,inform,extend,now and again,pay attention to这些单词和短语 用这些词写一段话 用这些符号写一段话:,.:,;,;,. 用提示的单词和短语写一段话,不少于五句提示词:like doing sports,go swimming,be good at,play football,sometimes,interesting,health,strong 这些短语怎么写 bookstore,like,English,Sunday,sunny写一段话,必须这些单词都用上没有 bookstore,like,English,Sunday,sunny写一段话,必须这些单词都用上 请用friend ,tall ,hair ,exercise ,healthy .写一段英语段落,词数在50词左右,每一单词都要用上! 短语这个单词 用英语怎么写 用以下的单词短语写一段话.任选3个短语 写几句描写冬天的话.用第三人称.slip into at the scene ofgrin atflash bysharp twistlinger onlive throughtear into pieceback awayjolt ..out ofthe very sight of 写单词和短语 用每个单词(词组)编一段对话(food,travel,entertainment,healthy life),..急 用like doing sports ,go swimming,be good at,piayfootball,sometimes,interesting,healthy,strong.写一段话 用这些词语中的三个来写一段话 用嘱咐、拜访、微笑、迫不及待这些词语写一段话 用这些词语写一段话.人声鼎沸 严于律己 出乎意料 夜以继日