fan yi le.Okay is a term of approval,assent,or acknowledgment,often written as OK or O.K..This is also known as AOK.When used to describe the quality of a thing,it denotes acceptability.However,its usage can also be strongly approving; as with most s

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 11:10:27

fan yi le.Okay is a term of approval,assent,or acknowledgment,often written as OK or O.K..This is also known as AOK.When used to describe the quality of a thing,it denotes acceptability.However,its usage can also be strongly approving; as with most s
fan yi le.
Okay is a term of approval,assent,or acknowledgment,often written as OK or O.K..This is also known as AOK.When used to describe the quality of a thing,it denotes acceptability.However,its usage can also be strongly approving; as with most slang,its usage is determined by context.
The historical record shows that O.K.appeared as an abbreviation for "oll korrect" (a conscious misspelling of "all correct") in Boston newspapers in 1839,and was reinterpreted as "Old Kinderhook" in the 1840 United States presidential election.Because it is a recent word born of word play,and because it is so widely used,O.K.has also invited many folk etymologies.These competing theories are not supported by the historical written record,except in that folk and joke etymologies influenced the true history of the word.Since the 19th century,the word has spread around the world,the okay spelling of it first appearing in British writing in the 1860s.Spelled out in full in the 20th century,'okay' has come to be in everyday use among English speakers,and borrowed by non-English speakers.

fan yi le.Okay is a term of approval,assent,or acknowledgment,often written as OK or O.K..This is also known as AOK.When used to describe the quality of a thing,it denotes acceptability.However,its usage can also be strongly approving; as with most s
ok是认同、同意或者承认,经常被写作为OK或O.K..这是亦称AOK.当过去描述事时,它表示可接受性.然而,它的用法可能也是强烈满意的; 和以多数俗话一样,它的用法取决于上下文.历史纪录显示好的那.出现作为对“oll korrect的”一个简称(很显然的拼错“所有的都正确”) 1839年在波士顿报纸,和被重新了解释作为“老Kinderhook”在1840美国总统选举.由于它是一个最近词被负担俏皮话,并且,因为它很用途广泛,好.也邀请了许多俗词源学.这些竞争的理论不由历史文字记录支持,除了伙计和笑话语源学影响了词的真实的历史.从19世纪,这个词在19世纪60年代传播了在世界,首先出现于英国的文字的好拼写范围内.在20世纪才被明白,‘好’来在日常使用在讲英语者之中和由非英语为母语的国家借用.

OKay 是一个用于表示同意,赞成,承认的词,经常被写作OK或者O.K. 通常也被熟知为AOK. 当它用于描述一个东西的质量时,表示可接受的。但是,它也可用作表示强烈的赞同;当它用作俚语时,就要由语境来决定。
在1989年的Boston报上,历史纪录指出O.K. 是 "oll koreect" (一种故意拼错的"all right") 的缩写,并且在1840年美国总统大选中被重新解释为"老...


OKay 是一个用于表示同意,赞成,承认的词,经常被写作OK或者O.K. 通常也被熟知为AOK. 当它用于描述一个东西的质量时,表示可接受的。但是,它也可用作表示强烈的赞同;当它用作俚语时,就要由语境来决定。
在1989年的Boston报上,历史纪录指出O.K. 是 "oll koreect" (一种故意拼错的"all right") 的缩写,并且在1840年美国总统大选中被重新解释为"老镇金德胡克"。因为它既是一个近年常被玩笑的单词,又是一个被广泛使用的词汇,O.K. 引入了很多通俗词源。这些互相对抗的理论除了在影响了这个单词真实由来的人们和笑话中的词源中有所描述,并没有任何书面历史记载的支持。直到19世纪,这个单词已经传遍了全世界。Okay的初次拼写出现在18世纪60年代的英式文章中。20世纪时拼写全称。"Okay"早已成为以英语为母语的人们每日生活中必不可少的单词,同时也被那些使用其他语言的人们所借用


Okay is a term of approval, assent, or acknowledgment, often written as OK or O.K.. “Okay”用于批准,赞成或同一的词语,通常可以写成“OK”或“O.K.”。
This is also known as AOK. 它也被认为是“AOK”。
When used to describe the qua...


Okay is a term of approval, assent, or acknowledgment, often written as OK or O.K.. “Okay”用于批准,赞成或同一的词语,通常可以写成“OK”或“O.K.”。
This is also known as AOK. 它也被认为是“AOK”。
When used to describe the quality of a thing, it denotes acceptability.当用来描述物质的质量是,它表示可接受性。
However, its usage can also be strongly approving; as with most slang, its usage is determined by context. 但是,它也可以用来表示强烈的满意,像在许多口语种,它的作用要取决于上下文。
The historical record shows that O.K. appeared as an abbreviation for "oll korrect" (a conscious misspelling of "all correct") in Boston newspapers in 1839, 历史记载显示,在1839年的波士顿报纸中,O.K.是“oll korrect”的缩写(“all correct”的有意识的错误拼写)
and was reinterpreted as "Old Kinderhook" in the 1840 United States presidential election.并在1840年的美国总统大选上被重新解释为“Old Kinderhook”。
Because it is a recent word born of word play, and because it is so widely used, O.K. has also invited many folk etymologies.因为它是单词游戏的新生词,又被广泛地应用,它也引发了很多的通俗变化语。
These competing theories are not supported by the historical written record, except in that folk and joke etymologies influenced the true history of the word.除了那些影响此词的真实历史的民间的和玩笑的话语,没有任何关于此对抗性理论的历史书面纪录。
Since the 19th century, the word has spread around the world, the okay spelling of it first appearing in British writing in the 1860s.从19世纪,此单词在世界广泛传播,在18世纪60年代okay的拼写第一次以书面形式在英国出现。
Spelled out in full in the 20th century, 'okay' has come to be in everyday use among English speakers, and borrowed by non-English speakers.在20世纪“okay”清楚地作为完整的单词,成为讲英语的人的日常用语,并被非英语国家使用。


fan yi le.Okay is a term of approval,assent,or acknowledgment,often written as OK or O.K..This is also known as AOK.When used to describe the quality of a thing,it denotes acceptability.However,its usage can also be strongly approving; as with most s diy fan yi Fan yi xiaNH dian nao gao shou jin awo kuai fan si le,wo cai 10 sui,yi bu xiao xin ba da zi de na yi lan gei nong mei le,zhi neng da pin yin le ,hao yu men a ,dian nao gao shou jiao wo zen me huan yuan ,xie xie xuan shang 5fen! fan yi ju ziWhat does Jim like a little? ti yu you xi zhun bei huo dongwo de dian nao bu neng da zhongwen le ,qing bang wo fan yi yi xia 改句子 英语速度点HE IS A BOY Zhang peng is piaying thrpiano AMY and wu yi fan aer playing games额改为一般疑问句否定句 bang mang fan yi yi xia la!xie le!Fender wanted to send a lot of papers to a friend in another country .He put them in a big envelope and took it to the post office.The man in the post office told him to pay two pounds.But he hadn't got one-pound sta 帮我翻译一下下面这段拼音ai hao fan a! wo xian zai shi ge gao zhong sheng le . wo mei you he ta kao dao tong yi ge gao zhong ,yao he ta feng kai le. wo hao shang xing a! wo zhi dao ni kan bu dong dang shi wo bu zai hu ,ying wei ni wei she me wo bu neng shu han ziwo kan guo yi xie ren de hui da ta men dou shi shuo kong zhi ban mian huo zhe yun xing ,wo dou shi guo le ,dou mei you hui da bu yao tai chang wo mei you nai xin dea745052725yun wo mei you shuo fan yi a ,yao hong qi ni zhong wen yi han wenni xian zai bu zhen xi wo .you yi tian wo zhen de bei ni qi pao le,ni xiang zhao wo ye zhao bu dao.qing bang wo fan yi cheng han wen. He made a?opening speech yesterday.A.success B. succeed C.successful Dsuccessfuiiy yao fan yi I am a first-year steudent in No.1middel schoolru he fan yi Your report have been proved!FAN YI Inclusive eventsQiu ying yu fan yi FAN YI:majoritarian politics come into play yi ge yuan quan yi ge A you mei you mei zhe yang de fu haoqi si wo le bang wo fan yi hao ma xie xieta yao qi si wo le ,wo zhen shi yi bu yi kanr ,mei tian nu li hong ni kai xin ,ta que zong shi po huai ,tiao bo wo men ,rang ni sheng wo de qi wo gai zen mo ban zai zhe yang wo zhen de feng le!