
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 09:40:29


tak:man,look at that!In new york there‘s always something being built .And everything goes up so quickly ……you never know what's going to be around next week
Rob:yeah ,but on the other hand ,sometimes i wonder about overcrowding .maybe they need to start building down more .
Tak:building down ?
Rob:yeah ,it's when you build underground instead of above ground .
Tak: nah ,that's too much like living in a cave .i love the skyscrapers ! They are the most incredible feats of engineering !
Rob:true .and some of the fast ones were built right here in new york city .
Tak:that's right !you know,i wonder what new york looked like before all these buildings popped up .
Tak:yeah ,i'll bet it'll be something fantastic !
Rob:maybe ……what do you think it's going to look like ?
Tak:i don't know ……but you know what ?i'm going to remember what it looked like .
Rob:uh you are too much .hey ,let's ask this guy what you "famous" building's going to be ……
Mrs:well ,i was pretty fast ,but i made some mistakes.Actually ,the typewriters weren't that bad ,now,as for the first computer……oh my gosh !
Tar:what do you mean?
Mrs:the first computers were so unreliable.They used to crash all the time ,and they were not as affordable or as fast as they are now .
Tar:mine's pretty fast ,but not as fast as some of the newer more expensive ones
Mrs:i know !And nowadays ,almost everyone has a computer .In those days ,nobody had their own computer.We used to use the ones at the university
Tar:so?No big deal ……laptops have batteries ……
Mrs:yes ,but remember ,in those days we didn't have laptops ,if your computer crashed ,you lost everything
Tar:everything ?
Mrs:everything.We used to lose information all the time ,but that time it was terrible ,everybody lost their papers that afternoon ……including me
Tak:so,what are today’s headlines?
Mik:i don't know ,i'm reading the important stuff like my horoscope and the entertainment section hey !Look at this !James Hammond is playing at CBGB‘s tonight!
Tak:ames Hammond ,Isn't he that famous blues guitarist?The guy with the silver guitar and the with long ,black hair ?
Mik:no,that’s Kevin diamond .James Hammond is the singer .He has short spiky hair he always wears that really cool White suit
Tak:i know him —he's great !Let's go Mik:ah ,man !It's sold out!
Mik:the one sitting down ?Wearing the pink shirt ?
Tak:no ,the really pretty one with the long hair and glasses .You know her ,she live in our building.She's a journalist .She writes all the music reviews for the village voice .
Mik:well,what are you waiting for ?Go over there and ask her if she can get us some tickets for tonight !
Tak:are you kidding ?Can't do that .I hardly know her !
Tak:somehow ,i got a ticket —and a date with ……anna markoich
Mik:you're kidding me !That‘s great!
Ms:please have a seat ,thank very much for coming in did you bring your resume ?
Cla:yes Here you are
Ms:great thanks,first let me tell a little bit about the job .We're looking for someone to sell our new software product internationally ,the job requires flexibility ,independence ,and most importantly ,a pleasant manner with customers
Cla:i agree……that‘s important .I've worked in sales for years and have always tried to really listen to my customers to find out what they need ,i think i'm really good that
Ms:that's great ,so tell me a little bit about your experience with software programs
Cla:well ,i've trained people how to use similar software product for the past two years at my current job ,so i really feel i know the product and customer needs
Ms:you've been very busy ,ms oliveira well ,thanks very much for coming in we'll be in touch
Cla:come on ,we're going to be late for our aerobics class !
Tar :oh ,by the way there was a phone call from some woman called …yvonne …yvonne something……
Mik:don't worry about it ,it's going to be great…especially since you have a “lovely assistant ”like me
Tak:right …there,that should do it ,got your signs?
Mik:check !
Tak:ready mr howard ?And rolling ok “furniture showroom”commercial—take one
Mr:hello there !My name is john ,president of furniture showroom ,and i'm here to tell you why we're one of the most successful furniture stores around ,the keys to our success are excellent quality ,great design ,and affordable prices .And who are these keys for ?Why for you —our customers !And that‘s why i'm here today to show you some of our premier pieces .Like this sleek and stylish lounge chair ,all our loungers are covered in 100% genuine leather,and built with solid steel—frame construction.Take a look at that —talk about well—made ,or take a look at this super sleeper sofa…why it's one of the most comfortable sofas you'll ever lay your head on !It's true !See for yourself !You know ,folks , furniture showroom is not one of those fly—by -night operations—here today ,gone tomorrow ,our company was founded in 1982 with only there hard—working employees :my wife ,my son,and me ,here at furniture showroom ,we really pride ourselves in giving you the best product ,at the right price !So come on down to furniture showroom and take a look at our ……
Mik:well ,you know what this calls for ,don't you ?
Tak:yeah…an apology
Mik:no,an encore!
