
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/31 06:03:38

我想表达的意思就是 我在公司负责员工的报销和付款,有个别同事,总是当天给我付款申请要求当天付款,而我不可以 每天都拿着付款表找经理去批准,每周都有个固定的时间去批准,我就是想要同事们知道申请付款要提前!不要当时给我当天就要求付款!

if u want to apply for paying ,please apply one week in advance,i will ask the manager for authorizing on every Monday. You may not ask for applying if there is no emergency .Thank you for cooperating.
( 相信我.! 希望可以帮到您 ,谢谢)
那你可以说 it's not convenient for me to ask the manager for authorizing every day, so please apply for the payment in advance

If you apply for payment,please deliver your application one week ahead,and I will hand it over to our manager every monday.Please do not ask for the payment on the same day you asked for it if there is no urgenceices.Thanks for your coorperation.

If the application for payment request for 1 week in advance, I will be looking for a manager to approve a week, if no urgent reason for the special day, please do not expect payment! Thank you .

If you apply for payment,please do it one week in advance, I will get manager's approvals on Monday every week.
if there is no special urgent reason for that, please do not expect payment that day.Thank you.

If you will apply for the payment, please do it one week in advance. I will ask for the manager's approval every Monday. Without special reasons, please do not ask for immediate payment. Your cooperation would be appreciated. Thanks!

If you want to apply for payment, please submit your application at least 1 week in advance. I will go to ask manager for approval every Monday.
Please note:payment cannot be made on the same day without urgent reasons.Thanks for your coorperation.

ever monday, i would hand over all the expense account to our manager . so every workmates ,if there is no special reason ,do please apply the payment one week ago ,and would never ask for the payment on that day . thank you all very much!!!!!

If the application for payment request for one week in advance, I will be looking for a manager to approve a week, if no urgent reason for the special day, please do not expect payment! Thank you for cooperation

英语翻译本人英语白痴,在一外资公司,公司里的人都他奶奶用英文发邮件,中国人给中国人也发英文邮件,本人英语能力实在有限,(还有该死的虚荣心)时常感到自卑!请大家帮我翻译如下内容 如何注销外资公司 english 英语翻译1年半的外资公司管理经验资深软件工程师、多媒体工程师 我公司即将和一间外资房产开发公司签定一份顾问协议,对方提供的是英文合同,要求用英文签合同.请问在中国,英文合同是否具备法律效力? 英语翻译该公司工作人员透露,整个ABC公司近年来为了扩大市场,业务扩张的比较明显,但是员工待遇比较低下,少有提高,公司管理水平比较落后,与其他公司,特别是外资公司相比,其管理显的比 外资公司英文名 公司名称是:源峰融资租赁有限公司 公司是外资,老板讲的是西班牙式英文----口音好重好重,所以想找几部西班牙人讲英语的电影, 我有一个去外资公司的面试.请问要怎么用英语礼貌的询问薪酬待遇问题? 英语翻译公司 英语翻译本人英语白痴,大家给点意见哈 英语对话能力本人属于实用类型的人,很讨厌哑巴英语只会答卷子的那类.现在在家公司做行政,想将来往外资公司发展所以请教高人给予指教.现在4级水平,词汇量也不大,口语发音很标准,平时 英语翻译塑料一公司塑料二公司…… 材料一、二、分别说明了什么?材料一:现在我国在发展国营经济、集体经济的同时,允许和鼓励外资经济、私营经济、个体经济的发展.人们能够开办属于自己的工厂、商店、公司、农场.材料 期权,怎么算我现在一家外资公司上班,公司今年在美国上市,授予期权股600股,每股4.5美金,我想问下,我想拿到这600股是不是还要每股拿出4.5美金去收购呢,本人菜鸟不懂股市 外资融资租赁公司和内资融资租赁公司的区别 英语翻译朋友推荐tranmart翻译公司,tranmart翻译公司在中国的tranmartchina。在网上一查tranmart翻译公司就找到了。 英语翻译是公司的名称译成英语 英语翻译用英语如何说:监理公司?