这是关于一些美国历史的问题是关于二战和内战还有冷战的是英文的,如果答的好的我会加分的,但是不要用翻译的骗我.Why was the universal Negro Improvement Association formed?Why did the KKK in the 1920’s los

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/10 23:43:57

这是关于一些美国历史的问题是关于二战和内战还有冷战的是英文的,如果答的好的我会加分的,但是不要用翻译的骗我.Why was the universal Negro Improvement Association formed?Why did the KKK in the 1920’s los
Why was the universal Negro Improvement Association formed?
Why did the KKK in the 1920’s lose membership?
Who did the KKK add to its membership in the earlier years?
Purpose of the Volstead Act was?
In 1920 what national news event was heard on KDKA TV?
Name the greatest political triumph of the NAACP in 1920.
21st amendment?
The cotton Club was?
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
The golden age of Hollywood began in 1927 with the release of this film?
The 18th amendment was amendment was responsible for what effect?
An innovation instituted by international Harvester in 1926 was?
After WWI most American wanted to avoid future wars by?
What did warren Harding win-he appealed to Americans’?
Coolidge believed that government should?
Henry Ford’s business philosophy was to increase sales by?
Calvin Coolidge was from which state?
How did he fall into being present of the U.S.
The Teapot Dome Scandal was?
Ford’s system for making cars increased efficiency by?
Why did WWI vets march on WahingtonD.C in 1932?
When the senate voted the bonus Bill down,what was the reaction of the vets?
In 1932 why did the farmers of the Great Plains lose their crops?
What happened when a bank collapsed in the Gt.Depression?
FDR’s first move to fight the depression was?
This was created to regulate the stock market?
The CIO set out to organize?
The EBRA(emergency banking relief act) solved the banking problem by?
FDR’s advisers favored government?
Many state governors declared bank holidays to stop?
Senator Huey Long wanted the government to?
Dec.7,1941 what happened?
As a result of the U.S.declaring war on japan?
what was the Nazis’ final solution?
What were the Nuremberg Laws?
What was the secret deal in the Nazi-Soviet nonaggression treaty?
The night of violence against Jews in Germany was called?
Indentify the Axis Powers and their capitals.
Who did Adolf Hitler blame for Germany’s defeat in WW1?
Know important facts about the Battle of Britain.Why important?
Neutrality act of 1935 made it illegal for?
This was called the migrant farmers in the SWest during WW2.
U.S.dropped bombs on Tokyo filled with?
V-J day means?V-E Day
Blue points and red points were a system of?
Over a third of all military equipment made during the war was manufactured by the?
How did the Allies trick the germans along the British coast?

这是关于一些美国历史的问题是关于二战和内战还有冷战的是英文的,如果答的好的我会加分的,但是不要用翻译的骗我.Why was the universal Negro Improvement Association formed?Why did the KKK in the 1920’s los

卫生间的长是3米,宽2.2米,高2.5米,门窗面积2.5平方米,厨房长4.5米,宽3米,高2.5米,门窗面积3.2平方米。1、在卫生间和厨房的地面上贴边长30厘米的地砖,至少需要几块? 2、每贴1平方米的地砖需要水泥2.5千克,那么,贴地砖共需要几千克水泥?...


卫生间的长是3米,宽2.2米,高2.5米,门窗面积2.5平方米,厨房长4.5米,宽3米,高2.5米,门窗面积3.2平方米。1、在卫生间和厨房的地面上贴边长30厘米的地砖,至少需要几块? 2、每贴1平方米的地砖需要水泥2.5千克,那么,贴地砖共需要几千克水泥?


这是关于一些美国历史的问题是关于二战和内战还有冷战的是英文的,如果答的好的我会加分的,但是不要用翻译的骗我.Why was the universal Negro Improvement Association formed?Why did the KKK in the 1920’s los Common 貌似是关于美国历史的'^ 另一道英语美国历史填空题求救. 关于二战的People who bought in the black market violated ______.这个是关于二战的,小弟我真的找不到答案了.求解决在美国二战中,美国为了保持物价平稳,政府使用了 关于中国近代史的几个问题?我想找一些描写中国近代史的比较好的“历史纪录片”,就是从“晚清”到现在的这段历史.或者是描写“一战二战越南战争或者朝鲜战争”的也可以.看过的简要介 关于二战的议题我要做一个关于二战的一些问题的探究,要史论结合,不要大家都关注的,比如犹太人的历史和残害.也可以结合中国二战时的情况.希望是些新鲜但有价值的议题. 二战为何德国对美国宣战,是这个理由吗我最近看了一些日本写的关于二战的书,他们说德国对美国宣战是为了打破对苏的僵局,但是我理解不了为什么是这个原因,这僵局是怎么被打破的 美国历史书籍关于美国历史的书籍 关于二战的故事 关于二战的纪录片 关于美国的一些常识 谁可以介绍一些关于二战的纪录片 二战的历史意义是什么?有关于二战 请告诉我一些关于二战背景信息 为什么说非洲的贫困是美国造反的?有哪些历史关于这方面的? 温瑞塘河的故事关于一些它的历史和故事 初三历史选择题——下列关于美国独立战争和美国内战相同点的归纳,不正确的是  (  )下列关于美国独立战争和美国内战相同点的归纳,不正确的是  (  )A、引起战争的经济原 二战期间,美国和中国是同盟国,为什么随着历史的演变,美国和日本变成了同盟国? 关于历史的,不要误人子弟,70年代挑战两极的是日本和欧洲吗,两极是指美国和苏联吗,科索沃是美国挑战哪级