at a mouthful

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/17 02:35:23

at a mouthful
at a mouthful

at a mouthful
swallow sth at a mouthful
例句 Sentences
It seems difficult for him to swallow a mouthful of bread up.
He chewed a mouthful of meat but it was too much to swallow.
He wants to eat it up at a mouthful.
Mouthful after mouthful the boy spooned up,before he had time to swallow each bite.
Swallow a glass of beer at one gulp.

at a mouthful (这不是个短语)



at a mouthful 英语翻译Not only is Chichen Itza a bit of mouthful-even more of a mouthful than a pizza,you might say. talking with others with a mouthful of food is ______(polite). ①My parents hope I can go home _________ supper this evening.A.atB.withC.forD.in②To his _________ ,the bread was so small that he ate one at a mouthful.A.supriseB.suprisedC.pleasantD.worry③(按首字母填写单词)He likes working,playing,eati She will lift her fork to swallow a mouthful, and then put it down again to make another pointShe will lift her fork to swallow a mouthful, and then put ti down again to make another point, leaving almost all of her meal_______ (touch).答案untouch 英语翻译When Carly eats spaghetti,she chomps and gobbles and slurps,The spaghetti disappears with a whoosh,sauce slapping and smacking round her chops.She scrapes the toast round the plate,crunching,grinding every mouthful.She burps,gurgles and l 1.I'll never forget the Hakka Earth Building ___I spent many happy hours there with my parents last summer.A.where B.because C.which D.though2.In the advertisement,a young boy enjoyed each mouthful of the food in his hand with such great enjoyment th at a at a 英语翻译① She will lift her fork to swallow a mouthful,and then put it down again to make another point,leaving almost all of her meal untouched② prepared dinner was arranged in her honor③ i am more ready to be stopped from doing something 请英语高手完成这篇英语完形填空并翻译全文!Do you want to look slim and thin? Then come to read the golden rules! 1. Eat 1 . That means not to have a quick dinner. The key strategy (策略) is to chew (咀嚼) each mouthful at a chinese at a chinese at a chinese Program at a Program at a Glance Wait at a yellow At a quarter past throw a poo at vf中?at(a, have a look at