用两个 而又 造句()而又()()而又()来造句……

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/28 02:39:30

用两个 而又 造句()而又()()而又()来造句……
用两个 而又 造句

用两个 而又 造句()而又()()而又()来造句……
I will choose three things important to me to do.The first,I will go to see my best friend and tell her that she is my treasure in my life.I want to thank her for all she has done to me.I will tell her the truth because I need her to take care of my parents for me.The second,I will tell the person who I deeply love that I don't love him anymore.I hope he can be happy in the rest of his life,but not feel sad because of my death.Lastly,I will spend the left time with my parents.I want to tell them I love them so much.I feel very lucky to be their daughter.I want to thank them for giving me life.They are the most important people in my life.I will never forget their love.Love is the most valueable thing in the world.If I only have 24 hours to live.I will show my thanks to all the people who love me and I love,because if I do so,I will never regret that my life is to short.


母亲,你就像家乡的泥土,平凡而又那样伟大;就像家乡的月光, 宁静而又那样喧昂。



用两个 而又 造句()而又()()而又()来造句…… 照样子写词语 用而又造句 例:舒缓而又起伏 ______________ ______________(两个) 用而又让造句 用四个“而又”造句 用( )而又( )组词例如:(舒缓)而又(起伏)、(恬静)而又(激荡) 用如此而又如此造句 用“富丽堂皇”造句简单而又有意义的,有文化的就来造) 用惊叹而又怀疑的语气造句 将下列俗语或名言补充完整.1.逝者如斯夫,( ).2.世界上最快而又最( ),最长而又最( ),最平凡而又最( ),最易被忽视而又最令人后悔的就是时间.3.盛年不重来,( ).及时 世界上最快而又最慢,最长而又最短,最平凡而又最珍贵,最易被忽视而又最令人后悔的就是时间.(高尔基)英文翻译……非常感谢! 用“崇”字组词填空.教师是一个平凡而又( )的事业. 语文厉害的,请速来帮下我!例:她的生命艰辛而又壮丽.第一题:这里的花( )而又( ).第二题:这里的空气( )而又( )第三题:那里的环境( )而又( ).第四题:街上的路灯( )而又 补句子兼造句 感谢!( )而又( )的( ) 造句十个( )如同( ) 造句十个每个需要十个 能写多少就写多少. 感谢! 联系全文,想想阿炳有哪些积淀已久的情怀?另外加个题,妈妈唱的摇篮曲()而又()春天的风()而又() 十分清楚叫( ),形容声音清楚而又好听叫( ),风景秀丽而又幽静叫( ),空气清爽新鲜叫( ). 1.严肃认真对待这件事 ( ) 2.整齐而又有秩序1.严肃认真对待这件事 ( )2.整齐而又有秩序 ( )将语句改写为成语. 她的生命艰辛而又壮丽,像一朵傲放于风沙中的仙人掌花.(仿写句子) 她的生命 而又 ,像 . 什么而又什么 如 艰辛而又美丽