
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 22:47:16


1.The second Monday in October,one of the NBA teams,Charlotte Bobcats anouced the layoff of 36 people.It was the first who broke the long-term economic propersity of NBA.And then,other teams began to make the slogan about the price reduction of ticket for retrieving loss.
2.AIG,the sponsor advertising on the front of the jersey of Manchester United,the "Red Devil",filed for bankruptcy protection so that the "Red Devil" will play games without the ad on his chest.

1. The second Monday of October, NBA Bobcats team announced layoffs of 36 people, first of all to break the NBA has been economic prosperity. Next, the club have made ticket prices propaganda language...


1. The second Monday of October, NBA Bobcats team announced layoffs of 36 people, first of all to break the NBA has been economic prosperity. Next, the club have made ticket prices propaganda language, hoping to recover some losses
2. Manchester United's Red Devils chest ad sponsors AIG filed for bankruptcy protection, is about to face Manchester United match naked


1. On the second Monday of October, the NBA team of Bobcats announced its decision to lay off 36 staffs, which was the first sign of the termination of the long-term economic prosperity of NBA. And th...


1. On the second Monday of October, the NBA team of Bobcats announced its decision to lay off 36 staffs, which was the first sign of the termination of the long-term economic prosperity of NBA. And then the clubs started running advertisements of lowering ticket prices, hoping to recover some losses.
2. AIG, the title sponsor for the "Red Devils" has filed for bankcruptcy protection and Manchester United is going to have "nameless" matches.


好的话另外追分翻译下面两段话,不要是用在线翻译,1.十月的第二个星期一,NBA山猫队宣布裁员36人,首先打破了NBA一直以来的经济繁荣景象.接下来,各俱乐部纷纷打出门票降价的宣传语,希望能 英语翻译要比较正式的,学术一点的翻译,绝对不要是在线翻译的,那个我也会,翻译的好的话,另外有加分. 求一篇小学英语教学论文要求一:网上搜不到,最好是自己原创要求二:字数在1500字左右要是好的话,另外附赠50分 好的话我另外再加50分 七年级下册期末地理复习提纲一定要是下册,好的话还有追20分 七年级下册期末政治复习提纲一定要是下册,好的话还有追20分 七年级下册期末历史复习提纲一定要是下册,好的话还有追20分 写给我,要是好的话再加100分! 英语翻译要是好的话. 英语翻译大家都有简谱,可是没有键盘钢琴谱啊!帮我翻译翻译,我给你们100分!好的话,再给!要是我有能力翻译, 英语高手来,翻译几句话:汉译中请用there be句型,不要用在线翻译,如果翻译好的话,再加50分!是用地道的英语,不要是中国式的英语.其实前面三句主要是加上一个介词短语或从句.后三句较好翻 英语翻译翻译得好的话另加分 不知道一个人要是死了的话,还能不能以另外一个存在感知这个世界? 求两篇作文,一篇是有你在身边,另一篇是总有属于我的精彩,600字不要是别人回答过的,好的话我会再加分的 下面的人太没素质了 遭天谴!我是没分又不是不给,要是钱的话你是不是还要杀人啊?真恶心的人! 英语翻译要求自己翻译,不要用翻译工具直译按照翻的好的给分我还有两篇如果这篇翻的满意的话下面每篇150分给分.新年的一个计划2007年在中国的传统生肖文化中称为“金猪年”,也是所有生 求初一下学期英语单词1—6单元的请分清楚,最好再有翻译,好的话我会另外加分的. 鼓励是最好的奖赏 作文要600字以上...做好是议论文...要是好的话追分60...