a dozen 如题
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/25 09:01:24
a dozen 如题
a dozen
a dozen 如题
A Dozen Roses 一打玫瑰
A dozen roses I give to you my friend 送你一打玫瑰,我的朋友
A gift that seems so small 一分轻如鸿毛的礼物
But they represent so much 附上重如泰山的情意
Our friendship most of all.我们的友谊无人可比.
A rose for the friendship 一朵赠予朋友的情意
A rose for the touch 一朵献给理解的轻抚
A rose for the trust we share 一朵送给彼此的信任
Our sharing means so much.我们的分享举足轻重
A rose for the kindness 一朵赠予你的体贴
And the deep caring you show 以及深切关怀
A rose for the comfot given 一朵献给我情绪低落时
When I`ve been feeling low.你给予的安抚慰问.
A rose for the laughter 一朵送给欢声笑语
How it makes your eyes shine 它让你的双眼闪耀
A rose for the dreams we share 一朵送给我们共同的梦想
It`s amazing how they interwine.它们交织缠绕,如此美妙.
A rose for the deep respect 一朵献给你大方相送的
You give to me with ease 深深敬意
A rose for the love we feel 一朵献给我们感受到的关爱
And how you wish to please.以及你愿我幸福的美意.
A rose for your compassion 一朵赠予你的怜悯之心
That has helped me in so many ways 它给了我多方帮助
A rose for bringing me sunshine 一朵赠予你带来的阳光
That has brightened all my days.它照亮了我的生活.
The last rose is the best 最后的玫瑰最美丽
For it stands so proud and tall 它迎风怒放,亭亭玉立
This rose represents you 这朵玫瑰代表你
My best friend of all.我最好的朋友.