
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 02:12:09


He was holding a negative attitude towards life.
The weather is not the same in north and south.
Mary is too young to go to school.
The old seem to be more forgetful.
We can't link what he has done to what he has said.
I've never seen her but I'm very familiar with her name.
The two boys have much in common and became good friends soon.
It's Tom's carelessness that led to his failure/defeat.
What she's said has nothing to do with the theme.
Mr.Smith decided to cancel the meeting because of the time.

1.He takes an passive attitude to the life.
2.The wether of north is differ from that of south.
3.Mary is too young to go to school.
4.The aged people are always forgetful.
5.We cann...


1.He takes an passive attitude to the life.
2.The wether of north is differ from that of south.
3.Mary is too young to go to school.
4.The aged people are always forgetful.
5.We cannot connect what he did with what he said.
6.I never met him, but his name samed familiar for me.
7.The two boys have mach in common, so they become good friends soon.
8.It is Tome's carelessness that leads to his failure.
9.What she said has no connection with the subject.
10.Mr.Smith canceled the meeting according to the time .
我也就这水平了 再难也难不了了 呵呵


1. He was holding a negative attitude towards life.
2. North and South, the whether not the same.
3. Mary, which can not be too young to go to school.
4. The old man tend to be forgetful.<...


1. He was holding a negative attitude towards life.
2. North and South, the whether not the same.
3. Mary, which can not be too young to go to school.
4. The old man tend to be forgetful.
5. We can not put him and said link.
6. I've never seen her, but I am very familiar with his name.
7. The two boys have much in common, and soon became good friends.
8. It is Tom's carelessness led to his defeat.
9. She said and subject irrelevant.
10. Because of the time, Mr. Smith decided to cancel the meeting.


1. he holds a negative attitude towards life
2. there's little differences in weather between the north and south
3.Mary is too young to go to school
4.old people usually forget things ea...


1. he holds a negative attitude towards life
2. there's little differences in weather between the north and south
3.Mary is too young to go to school
4.old people usually forget things easily
5. we couldn't put together what he had said and done
6i haven't seen her before, but her name is familiar to me
7. the two boys have a lot in common, so they become friends very soon
8.it is tom's carelessness that led to his failure
9. what he said had nothing to do with the theme
10.Mr.smith decided to cancele the meeting because of time
我尽量从简了。 ps 楼主的第6个句子的第二个他我按女ta算了。希望我的回答让你满意


1、He is negative to his life
2、There are differents in climate between south and north
3、Mary is too young to go to school
4、The old is easy to forget things
5、We can't connect his wor...


1、He is negative to his life
2、There are differents in climate between south and north
3、Mary is too young to go to school
4、The old is easy to forget things
5、We can't connect his words with his actions
6、I never met him ,but I'm familiar with his name
7、There are so many same things which lets them be good friend soon
8、It is his carelessness that causes Tom to be fail
9、There's no meaning with what she have said
10、Owing to lacking of time ,Mr Smith has dicided to cancle this meeting


英语翻译1.他对人生抱着消极的态度.2.北方与南方的气候不太一样.3.玛丽年纪太小了不能上学.4.老年人往往比较健忘.5.我们没法把他做的和说的联系起来.6.我从没见过她,但他的名字我很熟悉. 态度对人生的意义(积极和消极的) 曹操的《龟虽寿》是表现了他对人生的态度是消极的么?为什么? 消极态度的表现. 他对此事的态度英语翻译 消极态度与积极态度的比较? 拜求‘他对生活持有积极态度’的英语翻译 缩着手在旁边看着,指有的人对某件事采取消极冷淡、坐观成败的态度.猜成语一个 人生如梦和梦如人生的具体意思这两个成语都是对人生的感慨.我想知道二者对人生感慨时表达什么样的态度?那句含有积极因素而又那句带有消极因素?我想知道这两个成语 那句带有消极因素 3.他消极的态度影响了工作的进展.汉翻英? 求“摒弃消极生活态度 领悟人生积极意义,获取心灵上的富足”的名人名言 中外皆可. 求成语,比喻看见机会无动于衷,对生活充满失望.消极的态度 我大爹在与自己孩子的生离死别之后,一直处于忧郁之中,对侍生活态度很消极,希望哪位大虾能找篇好文章让他改变这种生活态度(追加150分,说到做到) 耐磨的人生阅读短文,面对人生的坎坷,作者的朋友对人生的态度有什么变化呢?想一想是什么原因使他发生了 请阅读下面的材料,以态度与幸福为话题作文林肯曾经说过大多数人幸福程度和他们愿意繁荣差不多.如果你对人生持有消极的态度.那么你会成为自己和别人的负担,如果你对人生持有积极 缩着手在旁边看着,指所有人对某见事采取消极冷淡,坐观成败的态度(写出成语)请语文好的人回答 缩着手在旁边看着,指有的人对某件事采取消极冷淡,坐观成败的态度.根据意思打成语 根据意思写出成语:缩着手在旁边看着,指有的人对嫫件事采取消极冷淡、坐观成败的态度( )快、快