
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 08:56:16


Now, most British people is the Anglo-Saxon.
Anglian, Saxon ancient Germanic tribes are in northern branch Jutland, Denmark and Germany's islands northwest coast.
In the 5th century -- the sixth century, the angles, Saxon two people have the north island of immigrants, 300-400 years later in the fusion of two tribes, only for anglian · Saxon.
Through the conquest, assimilation, the angles, saxons and Britain's "native" (the celtics), plus the immigrants "people", "Norman" after a long period, fusion of modern significance on the people (including the Scot).
But look from world war ii, the angles, saxons and German has alienated, but England and native (native Celtic).
The Angles, saxons belongs to the Germanic festival, according to UK early historians than (in).673-113, they divided from three different tribes: by Danish peninsula Anglo-Saxon grace (Angeln) to the saxons (by) then north river to the Saxon by Danish Jutland and Jutes (the Jutes). The angles, saxons began in the conquest of Britain, the celtics in 449 met stubborn resistance. A.D. 500, the celtics won victory in the battle of mount barton, half a legendary king Arthur's led invasion of Britain against Celtic folk hero. In the middle ages, around Arthur formed of king of a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument, the knights of the palace, the legendary dark knight, etc. The angles, saxons conquest British, set up to ten little kingdom, after merger left seven: 3 Saxon, Willie kingdom, and susanna; and alex, 3 saxons kingdom, east Anglia, SenBu angles in Asia, Michael, 1 the jutes kingdoms that Kent. British history says that seven kingdoms exists for "seven times" (600-87 years). "England" (fight) from Englaland, means that the saxons land. Seven kingdoms to alex's strongest, and for the Kings love case (802-839 years) in England in 829 preliminary unity.

英语翻译现在大部分英国人就是盎格鲁-撒克逊人.盎格鲁、撒克逊是古代日耳曼人的部落分支,原居北欧日德兰半岛、丹麦诸岛和德国西北沿海一带.公元五世纪——六世纪,盎格鲁、撒克逊两 大部分英国人属于哪个种族 美国人是不是就是英国人? 英语翻译一个英国人说的 盎格鲁撒克逊人和日耳曼人什么关系?现在的法国人和意大利人又是什么人种? 英语翻译就是现在这个 金融危机 法国人现在还讨厌英国人吗? 英语翻译现在的大部分翻译软件翻译后的内容实在是风马牛不相及,不知该怎么办? 经济术语盎格鲁 撒克逊经济体的定义还有就是什么是中国的第三次经济飞跃?第一和第二次又是什么? 英语翻译:一位金发碧眼的英国人 用英语翻译:我想那些男人不是英国人 盎格鲁撒克逊计划 是什么? 现在汉字大部分是什么字 现在行道树大部分是什么树? 盎格鲁撒克逊人是哪里人?很多文章,比如历史的、时评的,都提到盎格鲁撒克逊人,一般都是指现在的哪些国家的人呢?请直接回答,不需要回溯历史, 英语翻译大约公元五世纪中叶,三个日耳曼部族:盎格鲁人(Angles)、撒克逊人(Saxons)和朱特人(Juries)侵入英国.历史上称为盎格鲁撒克逊征服(the Anglo-Saxon conquest).这些侵略者带来了各 英语翻译就是现在蒙古国用的语言 英语翻译要很英国人的那种,就是不是随随便便简单地照字面翻译,像Therefore,reasoning to the interpersonal relationship...尽量有深度!