安装redhat 4时提示unable to find any devices of the type needed for this installa.安装redhat 4时提示unable to find any devices of the type needed for this installation type.would you like to manually select your driver or use a driver disk?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/25 03:51:50

安装redhat 4时提示unable to find any devices of the type needed for this installa.安装redhat 4时提示unable to find any devices of the type needed for this installation type.would you like to manually select your driver or use a driver disk?
安装redhat 4时提示unable to find any devices of the type needed for this installa.
安装redhat 4时提示unable to find any devices of the type needed for this installation type.would you like to manually select your driver or use a driver disk?

安装redhat 4时提示unable to find any devices of the type needed for this installa.安装redhat 4时提示unable to find any devices of the type needed for this installation type.would you like to manually select your driver or use a driver disk?

安装redhat 4时提示unable to find any devices of the type needed for this installa.安装redhat 4时提示unable to find any devices of the type needed for this installation type.would you like to manually select your driver or use a driver disk? 本人在安装redhat linux下的tools 时遇到这问题是怎么回事,安装其软件过程中遇到的,屏幕出现的提示如:Please re-run this program as the super user.Execution aborted 虚拟机安装RedHat linux 5时 等输入密码 报错unable to read package metadata.this may be due to a missunable to read package metadata.this may be due to a missingrepodata directory.please ensure that your install tree hasbeen correctly gene RedHat linux 5时 等输入密码 报错unable to read package metadata.this may be due to a miss Vega Prime 2.Vega Prime 在安装完成之后,运行Vega Prime 时候提示:vsgu::initialize-initiaVega Prime 2.0安装问题Vega Prime 在安装完成之后,运行Vega Prime 时候提示:vsgu::initialize-initialization failed!Unable to check out VC 不 成功 安装后其他的都勉强能用就VC++6.0不能用系统提示对话框:Unable to load development enviornment DLL 豌豆荚安装快完成的时候就提示两个unable to find a version of the run time to run this application如题.每次安装快完成就提示:unable to find a version of the run time to run this application 打开的时候也提示.而且 在redhat下安装eclipse出现这样的错误:/home/eclipse/eclipse:relocation error:/home/eclipse/...在redhat下安装eclipse出现这样的错误:/home/eclipse/eclipse:relocation error:/home/eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/193/ 兄弟7420老提示Unable to print m7020打印机提示unable to print VM10 安装时提示.正在进行简易安装时,无法手动启动VMware Tools安装 Joomla无法安装,错误提示Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL之前安装成功过一次,这是第二次安装.1.安装前,把数据库、Joomla文件、子域名统统删除后重新设置的2.我是自动安装的,刚 英语翻译there is an incompatiblity bettween this tool and the current cperating system unable tocontinue 这是我安装 硬盘镜像安装器 时 打开看见的 unable to 我手机在安装UC浏览器时会出现unable to install,要怎么处理? 安装AutoCAD2008时出现提示是什么意思?(图) 点安装程序时提示:invalid start mode:archive filename , 我系统是win7 64位旗舰版为什么安装GeForce_Experience提示:unable to start NVIDIA update service due to "cannot start servie nvupdatusService on computer. geforce experience must close 魔兽世界3.22补丁安装提示sorry,the installer was unable to start up下面显示No installer data could be found. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support.怎么回事呀,是少文件吗,紧急,在线等