创建百科,总是不通过,说目录结构不合理首目录前出现文字内容,不符合百科规则.帮我分析下吧百科名片(用的是一级目录)克洛德.布雷蒙,法国叙事学家,对俄国学者普罗普(Vladimir Propp
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/30 21:46:20
创建百科,总是不通过,说目录结构不合理首目录前出现文字内容,不符合百科规则.帮我分析下吧百科名片(用的是一级目录)克洛德.布雷蒙,法国叙事学家,对俄国学者普罗普(Vladimir Propp
克洛德.布雷蒙,法国叙事学家,对俄国学者普罗普(Vladimir Propp)提出的叙事功能做出另一种解释.他把功能与事件联系起来,认为功能就是在作品中起结构作用的事件.功能之间存在着一定的逻辑关系,由此形成一个个的叙事序列,这些叙事序列互相组合,形成更大的叙事序列,最终组成整部作品.(此段出至《文学批评实践教程》 赵炎秋 中南大学出版社)
(1929-) French narratologist. Bremond interrogates the work of the Russian structuralist Vladimir P ropp on folktales. For Bremond the structuralist critic should pay attention to possible meanings other than those offered by the literary work. He theorizes that T exts contain points at which choices are made, the plot changes, or characters develop. By using the linguistics of S aussure , of differential relations, he sees these points as producing meaning through the very choices which are excluded. 1973 : Logique du récit . 1958 : Morphology of the Folktale . A term associated with Claude L éavi -S trauss , referring to the use of a roughly suited conceptual tool when no other means is available. In The Elementary Structures of Kinship , Lévi-Strauss (1969, pp. 2–4) defines “nature” as that which is universal, spontaneous, and not dependent on a particular culture or norm; and “C ulture ” as that which is dependent on a S ystem of socially regulating norms and which varies from one social structure to another. Nevertheless, having established this distinction between nature and culture, he proceeds to discuss incest prohibition, which appears to be both universal and natural, and normative and cultural. Although in a sense scandalously inadequate, the nature/culture distinction is nevertheless indispensable and its use an instance of bricolage . D errida escalates...
Most widely held works by Claude Bremond:
(67 works in 129 publications in 8 languages and 2,154 library holdings)
Thematics new approaches( 图书 )
创建百科,总是不通过,说目录结构不合理首目录前出现文字内容,不符合百科规则.帮我分析下吧百科名片(用的是一级目录)克洛德.布雷蒙,法国叙事学家,对俄国学者普罗普(Vladimir Propp