
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/14 12:07:05

20世纪以后 ,人口激增,城区迅速扩展,工业、商业、金融、交通运输等也得到迅速发展.1956年第二次中东战争,以色列伙同英法对埃及展开武装侵略,使得开罗受到较严重的破坏.后经过修整,开罗重新焕发出新的活力.

The formation of Cairo, can be traced back to about 3000 BC the ancient kingdom, as the capital, also has a history of more than one thousand years.During the middle ages Cairo was a military fortress of the Byzantine empire.
Cairo is the predecessor of the fox Tate city, founded by arabs in 641.In 969, from Tunisia invasion of an islamic people in the north set up a new city - mann rectangle in Jerusalem.From 973 to 974, faty mead ha luo certain on this and changed its name (Arabic) for victory in Cairo.Saladin dynasty period be extended in 1179.
Ruled Egypt for over two hundred years of Fatima dynasty replaced by ayub dynasty in 1169 AD, in 1260, again change, establish a culture in EgyptThriving mamou leave; 1517 grams of dynasty, the turks in the rise of Asia minor, to establish a military powerful, conquered Egypt, until the Ottoman empire was 18th century western invasion.The islamic dynasty had left Cairo to everlasting memory of historical relics and cultural construction.In the eighteenth century, the Ottoman empire began to decline, in 1798 the French king napoleon's army the invasion of the Egyptian flagThe islamic world suffer from the beginning of western aggression and colonial.French invaders from muhammad ali, led the people of Egypt tenacious resistance, was driven out of Egypt in 1801, but in 1867, emerging EuropeIndustry giants Britain with more powerful forces in Cairo, Egypt became a British colony, completely quit until 1953, that's because the decline of the British empire.American post-war pursed, along the old old colonialismWay into Egypt, the political, economic and cultural invasion.Cairo is the bridgehead of all these invaders.
Since 1260, became the capital of mamluk dynasty, built a large number of buildings, some preserved up to now, become the Egyptian people precious cultural heritage.The middle of the 14th century Cairo to achieve extraordinary boom.The Turkish invasion in 1517, become the capital of Cairo, began to decline.In 1805, muhammad ali dynasty its capital.The modern city construction began in the 1830 s.Ismail ordered in the medieval old town west of the construction of the European style of a new town, the westernization in Cairo.
The 20th century, population explosion, rapidly expanding urban, industrial, commercial, financial, transportation, etc have been developing rapidly.The second Middle East war in 1956, Israel's armed invasion of Egypt, along with the British and the French made serious damage to Cairo.After the nap, Cairo to coruscate gives new vitality.

英语翻译原文:开罗的形成,可追溯到公元前约3000年的古王国时期,作为首都,亦有千年以上的历史.中世纪时曾为拜占庭帝国的一个军事要塞.开罗的前身是福斯塔特城,641年由阿拉伯人创建.969 人类的历史可以追溯到公元前多少年有文字记录以来我国是在夏朝吗 山西的人类活动遗迹最早可追溯到什么时候? 为什么中国是四大文明古国之一?古巴比伦与古埃及的历史都可追溯到公元前3000年以上,即使是古希腊的爱琴文明——米诺斯早期的历史也在公元前3000年以上.而中国的夏代是在公元前2000年才 中国最早最古老的历史可以追溯到公元前多少年?1、如题.2、当时发生了哪些事件? 英语翻译:时光追溯到古希腊时代. 海里的盐是怎么形成的详细最好能追溯到几亿年前 “鼎”被作为权利和地位的象征,其形成至少应追溯到哪个朝代 刘伯承的祖先可追溯到西汉的中山靖王刘胜没什么根据,自己的主观分析 人类建造的房屋历史最早可追溯到什么建造的木头房子 煤,石油,天然气等燃料的最初来源是否都可追溯到太阳能 开罗的雅号是什么 开罗的介绍 英语翻译文字发明之前,古代的中国人习惯于将若干石块放到一起记事一旦发明了文字,人们便将字可在动物骨壳上,稍后又将字篆刻在金属器皿上.这方面的例证可以从16世纪追溯到公元前3世纪 英语翻译CAD(计算机辅助设计)与CAM(计算机辅助制造)的发展可追溯到20世纪50年代,发展到现在已经有50多年的历史,随着计算机技术和信息技术的发展,CAD/CAM技术在全球迅速普及开来.从CAD 古代埃及文明的形成时间是公元前3000还是公元前3500 中国漆器的历史最早可追溯到距今多少年?我国目前出土的最早的玉器距今多少年? 翻译:父亲节是在每年的六月的第三个星期日,父亲节可追溯到20世纪初,