我写的雅思作文有几句句子不知道有没有问题,It is generally acknowledged that the developments of high-tech can greatly reduce the waste of time and extremely increase the efficiency especially in the age of mass information.是不

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 14:59:18

我写的雅思作文有几句句子不知道有没有问题,It is generally acknowledged that the developments of high-tech can greatly reduce the waste of time and extremely increase the efficiency especially in the age of mass information.是不
It is generally acknowledged that the developments of high-tech can greatly
reduce the waste of time and extremely increase the efficiency especially in
the age of mass information.
Invariably do we admire that the great talented people who have made
significant contributions to the world like Bill Gates advancing the IT
Only the combination of them of which we take advantage can we make influence
on our personality and development during our life process .

我写的雅思作文有几句句子不知道有没有问题,It is generally acknowledged that the developments of high-tech can greatly reduce the waste of time and extremely increase the efficiency especially in the age of mass information.是不
第②句:个人感觉这句倒装得不必要.一来不自然,二来有卖弄之嫌.真要倒装的话,在Bill Gates后打住就好了.为什么还要弄个advancing the IT field来修饰呢? 一口气把你这句子念完得有多累啊.不然就拆成两句:
Invariably do we admire the great talented people who have made significant contributions to the world. Take Bill Gates, the genius in the IT field, for example.(注意:原句里admire后的that是多余的,因为that 后应跟从句,而原句并非如此)
第③句:can没错,但make influence on sth.是中式英语!另外,our life 已经可以了,不必加上process.我会这样写:
Only by combining both of them can we influence our personality and future development in a positive way. (简洁,表意明确)

我写的雅思作文有几句句子不知道有没有问题,It is generally acknowledged that the developments of high-tech can greatly reduce the waste of time and extremely increase the efficiency especially in the age of mass information.是不 我写的雅思作文有几句句子不知道有没有问题,It is generally acknowledged that the developments of high-tech can greatly reduce the waste of time and extremely increase the efficiency especially in the age of mass information.是不 我写的雅思作文里有几句句子不知道有没有问题,It is generally acknowledged that the developments of high-tech can greatly reduce the waste of time and extremely increase the efficiency especially in the age of mass information.是 这句英语语法有没有问题?So did I glue the quotation followed.我在写篇作文,我不知道这个倒装用的有没有问题, 帮我看看我写的这个句子有没有问题!(我在写作文) 没有写过这样的文章不知道如何写~可以帮我找几个雅思图标作文的题目和范文吗? 韩语里有没有“读万卷书 行万里路”这样的句子 俗语 或者可以代替的表达我写作文要用 可是不知道该怎么写这个意思 我的雅思阅读总是不太会,不知道是不是我的词汇量有问题呢? 雅思作文问题好怕第二个大作文,好怕到时没思路不知道写什么啊..有什么好的建议嘛..话说:如果写不够字数能拿到几分.我只想雅思作文不要低于4.5最好5分就好了.但就怕写不够字数(遇到 我现在在学雅思,不知道雅思中的口语对英语口译有没有帮助? 我不会写英语句子怎么办写句子的时候不仅时态有问题而且词语的搭配都有问题,就连最简单的句子都会出错.自己都不知道该怎么办,请问有没有什么办法在一个月里学会写英语句子. 我还有四个月考雅思,师姐们也给我介绍了很多学雅思的方法,不知道有没有高效一点儿的复习方法呢? 我已经考过一次雅思了,但现在的雅思小作文还是不知道怎么写才能拿高分呢? 雅思阅读问题我的雅思阅读速度很慢,有没有提速的办法啊 有没有什么办法迅速提高写作能力?我写作文总不知道写什么. 作文方格纸中怎样写英语写语文作文时有时候需要用到英语的某个单词或句子但作文纸是方格的,不知道有没有什么格式要求不知道的请不要乱答 雅思听力大小写问题我是杭州的雅思考生,最近就要考了!纠结于雅思听力中的大小写问题,我咨询过一位北京的朋友,她们是可以全部大写的,不知道有没有杭州的考生试过这个方法?全国各地的 我今年想考雅思,可是我对写作没有什么信心,做了一些练习,可是不知道怎么样,希望能有高手帮我看作文~