
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/13 11:22:42

故事发生在19世纪前半期,当时的英国是一个典型的父权制社会,它把人分成三六九等,阶级矛盾十分突出,等级观念固若金汤.劳动人民不仅受到腐朽的土地贵族阶级的剥削和压迫,还受到新兴的资产阶级权贵的欺压.女性和无产者一样处于受压迫的地位,几乎被剥夺了所有身为人的权利.“妇女无论出生于哪个阶级,她们在法律上的地位都等同于男性罪犯、疯子和未成年人”(May ,1987:257).中产阶级妇女的命运尤其可悲,因为妻子女儿不工作被当作财产和地位的标志,她们被关在家中,终生依靠男人——父亲、丈夫、兄弟或儿子,成为俯仰由人的玩偶.对她们来说,婚姻是她们最好的归宿,她们一生的成败就在此一举.但是,“在婚姻中,妇女往往是一颗筹码,用来巩固家族的地位和增进家族的财富¡¤¡¤¡¤家庭能不能同意一门亲事,主要是看求婚者的财产和地位,门当户对是首要的条件.受家庭反对的亲事往往不能成功.青年男女若山盟海誓,矢志不移,那么他们唯一的出路就是私奔.但私奔意味着失去一切,他们不仅要和家庭决裂,放弃继承家族地位和财产的权利,而且要承受巨大的社会压力.在维多利亚时代,私奔和通奸一样不光彩,要受到社会的同声谴责.私奔者必须从此隐姓埋名,到无情的生活激流中去挣扎求存.家庭在婚姻中的决定权之大,就是男子也不可掉以轻心.富有的青年人看中一个下层女子,他若不想被逐出家门,那么最好是不要提结婚的事.在那个时代,婚姻虽不是包办的,却也不是自由的.”

Let us look back at the history of it! The story takes place in the first half of the 19th century, when Britain is a typical patriarchal society, it is divided into 369 people, and so on, class contradictions are very obvious hierarchy impregnable. Working people, not only by the decadent aristocracy of the land of class exploitation and oppression, but also by those in power and the emerging capitalist class bully. Women and oppressed proletarians in the same position, almost all being deprived of their rights. "Women, whether born in which class, their legal status equal to men are criminals, minors and the insane" (May, 1987:257). In particular, the fate of middle-class women's sad because his daughter was not working as a property and status symbol, they are being held at home and rely on men for life - father, husband, brother or son, who became pitching from the dolls. For them, their marriage is the best end-result of their life on the success or failure of this one. However, "in marriage, women are often a bargaining chip to consolidate the family's status and promotion of family wealth ¡¤¡¤¡¤ family can not agree to a marriage, the main proposal is to look at the property and status of the match Is the first prerequisite. Opposed by the family of marriage is often not successful. Shanmenghaishi if the young men and women, are absolutely determined, then they are the only way out is to elopement. Elopement, but means everything to lose, they will not only break and the family, to give up the succession of family status And property rights, but are under enormous social pressure. In the Victoria era, adultery and elopement as disgraceful, it is necessary to be condemned by society. Elopement must then on anonymity, the relentless torrent of life in the struggle to survive. Home Marriage in the decision-making power of large, that is, men can not be taken lightly.'s Full of young people see the lower a woman, if he do not want to be shut out, so it is best not to get married. At that age, marriage is not The package, but it is not freedom. "

故事发生在19世纪的英国用英语怎么说? 英语翻译故事发生在19世纪前半期,当时的英国是一个典型的父权制社会,它把人分成三六九等,阶级矛盾十分突出,等级观念固若金汤.劳动人民不仅受到腐朽的土地贵族阶级的剥削和压迫,还受 汤姆索亚历险记这篇文章故事发生在19世纪美国的什么小镇 美国 俄国19世纪中期发生的重大事件反映当时历史发展的主要潮流是什么 骆驼祥子描写的是 世纪 年代,发生在 的关于 的故事. 斯巴达300勇士的故事发生在哪一年?当时中国是哪个朝代? 梁山伯与祝英台的故事发生在东晋末年,请问当时是哪个皇帝 骆驼祥子描写的是什么世纪什么年代发生在哪的关于什么的故事 公元前五世纪到三世纪,我国社会经济制度发生了怎样的变化?这一变化在当时政治、思想方面有何反映? 发生在19世纪中后期的三次重大事件 英语翻译描述发生在海啸前后或当时情况的英文句子及中文翻译, 《骆驼祥子》的故事发生在19世纪( )的北平.A、20年代 B、30年代 C、40年代 D、50年代 《骆驼祥子》的故事发生在19世纪( )的北平.A、20年代 B、30年代 C、40年代 D、5到底是a还是b 20世纪30年代,世界面临的最严重的威胁是?二战爆发前在欧亚非三大洲发生了哪些当时世界瞩目的大事? 英语翻译1.这是个发生在很久很久以前的故事. 2.故事发生在公主的城堡里 详述19世纪当时欧洲社会的发展状况 18世纪到19世纪发生的欧洲历史事件 推荐一些故事背景是18–19世纪欧洲的电影.类型不限,最好对当时的社会背景多些描写,有味道和深度一些.