1.非谓语动词有Being done 它与done有神马区别?能举个例子吗?2.I sit next to you .next 这里next 介词,还是把next to看成是短语介词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/11 11:10:15

1.非谓语动词有Being done 它与done有神马区别?能举个例子吗?2.I sit next to you .next 这里next 介词,还是把next to看成是短语介词
1.非谓语动词有Being done 它与done有神马区别?能举个例子吗?2.I sit next to you .next
这里next 介词,还是把next to看成是短语介词

1.非谓语动词有Being done 它与done有神马区别?能举个例子吗?2.I sit next to you .next 这里next 介词,还是把next to看成是短语介词
1.being done也属于非谓语动词,可称之为动名词或现在分词的被动结构.
1)being done即表示被动关系,又强调其所表示动作在谓语动词发生时也正在发生;
如:I saw him being beaten by his father.
其中,be beaten和saw在当时同时正在进行.
I saw him beaten by his father.
be beaten该动作已经完成.
2.next to视为复合介词短语,整个一起视为一个介词.
类似的再如close to等.

1. 有。Being done为-ing的被动式,done为过去分词。前者表状态,后者强调已经发生或被动。
eg: Being hurt by my words, she cried.
Followed by the policeman, the thief went into the office.
2. next to 为介词短语,后接名词或代词。

首先: being done 是非谓语动词现在分词的被动语态形式是存在的,done是过去分词
1.作时间状语时,过去分词与having been +过去分词(其意义相当于一个时间状语)可以通用。例如:
Having been discussed many times, th...


首先: being done 是非谓语动词现在分词的被动语态形式是存在的,done是过去分词
1.作时间状语时,过去分词与having been +过去分词(其意义相当于一个时间状语)可以通用。例如:
Having been discussed many times, the problem was settled at last.
Discussed many times,the problem was settled at last.
2.作原因状语时,过去分词与being +过去分词可以通用。例如:
Being confined to bed,she needs to be waited on everything.
Confined to bed,she needs to be waited on everything.
如:可以说:a broken glass(碎玻璃); an uninvited guest(不速之客);但不可以说:a being broken glass;a being uninvited guest

2.作后置定语时过去分词常表示被动动作发生在谓语动作之前,或者只表示被动关系,而being +过去分词表示该被动动作正在进行,或与谓语动词的动作差不多同时发生。如:
a.The problem,discussed at yesterday'smeeting,was settled at last.
b.The problem being discussed now is difficult to settle.
I've never heard the word used in spoken English. (我从未听过这个词用在口语中。)
You'll find the topic being discussed everywhere. (你会听到到处都在讨论这个问题。)
其次,第二个问题,next to 是固定用法,指在......旁边,是介词短语
next是形容词指 紧邻的,贴近的
例如:He rose to fetch a chair from the next room.


being done 是现在分词的一般式的被动形式 。 done是过去分词
Being done in another way (=If it is done in another way), the work will be better
Done ,(=since it has been done,), the reseach is now opened .
next to 是短语介词(=near)紧挨着

非谓语动词中being done ,done,having been done,have done 有什么区别 非谓语动词中done 和being done有何区别 非谓语动词中being done和done有什么区别? 高中英语语法非谓语动词being done和done以及having being done的区别 非谓语动词to have been being done什么时候用?最好有例句 1.非谓语动词有Being done 它与done有神马区别?能举个例子吗?2.I sit next to you .next 这里next 介词,还是把next to看成是短语介词 非谓语中done和being done有什么区别? 在做非谓语动词时,碰见being done 和done 怎样区分? 非谓语动词中是否存在Being done形式?存在请解释与Done区别. 非谓语动词 being done 和 to be done 有什么区别?可以从所用的场合·表达的意义上…………来说. being done非谓语动词中是不是不能作状语?为什么? 非谓语动词doing,being done,done的区别特别是现在分词的被动结构和过去分词的区别 在高中英语非谓语动词单选中,在句首经常是有 ①Being+动词过去分词 ②动词过去式的选项.两个都可以表示被动,那么怎么区分.在什么情况下用Having done,以及done. 英语非谓语动词中有having been done,那有没having done形式? 非谓语动词被动态的done和having been done有什么区别?如题 非谓语动词to have done & having done 有什么区别?三克油 非谓语动词中done ,being done ,与having been done 的区别 那位牛人帮小女子解答,每次做题的时候遇到非谓语动词的题目一般都把问题设在非谓语动词作状语上,但是being done ,done,与having been done 的区 being+过去分词和现在分词做非谓语动词时有什么区别啊?最好结合例题.不好意思.我的意思没说清楚.我是说being done做非谓语动词和动名词做非谓语动词的区别.好像都有主动的意思吧?