老师您好,请教您几个语法问题.一、1)the volume of the sun is many times the volume of the earth. 2)the volume of the sun is much times the volume of the earth. 请问那个对呢?是much

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 11:24:39

老师您好,请教您几个语法问题.一、1)the volume of the sun is many times the volume of the earth. 2)the volume of the sun is much times the volume of the earth. 请问那个对呢?是much
一、1)the volume of the sun is many times the volume of the earth.
2)the volume of the sun is much times the volume of the earth.
请问那个对呢?是much 还是many 呢?
二、in 1964. americans drank an average of 26 gallons of milk___.
a.each b.every one c.singly d.themselves.
三、I have never heard___adventures.
a .such many wonderful b. such wonderful many c.many such wonderful d . many wonderful such
选A 还是C 呢?

老师您好,请教您几个语法问题.一、1)the volume of the sun is many times the volume of the earth. 2)the volume of the sun is much times the volume of the earth. 请问那个对呢?是much
一、1)The volume of the sun is many times the volume of the earth.
2)The volume of the sun is much times the volume of the earth.
请问那个对呢?是much 还是many 呢?
二、In 1964, Americans drank an average of 26 gallons of milk ___.
a.each b.every one c.singly d.themselves.
见过:They each have a car. =They have a car each.吗?他们每人都有一辆车.
三、I have never heard___adventures.
a .such many wonderful b. such wonderful many c.many such wonderful d . many wonderful such
选A 还是C 呢?
答:是E. so many wonderful adventures.
析:一般来说是such+(形容词)+名词,so+副词/形容词. 但在表示【多少】的形容词(确切地说是限定词many, few, much, little)时,用so many(few/much/little)+名词.

老师您好,请教您几个语法问题.一、1)the volume of the sun is many times the volume of the earth. 2)the volume of the sun is much times the volume of the earth. 请问那个对呢?是much 崔老师,您好,我想请教您一个问题,流动的水会影响超声波吗? 您好,我有几个英语句型向您请教,可以麻烦您帮忙分析一下句子的语法和句型结构,难点句型:(1)Inadequacy of energy resources or (more often) of the technologies and organizations for harvesting,converting,and distr 刘老师您好!我想请教您一个问题:证明:如果(x-1)整除f(x^n),那么(x^n-1)整除f(x^n).谢谢! 老师您好:请教1钱等于多少克?老师您好:非常感谢您给我在上次那个药方上的指点.使我明白了多少.这是宋代[太平圣惠方]里的1钱等于多少克? 刘老师,您好!我想请教您一个问题.A是m*n的满秩矩阵(m 刘老师,您好,向您请教求线性子空间的维,基及线性变换的问题, 您好,可以向您请教一下关于50HZ陷波器的设计问题么? 您好,有关于翻译硕士的问题想和您请教一下. 您好,我想跟你请教有关锻造铝合金轮毂所需设备方面的问题(详细),能留一下您的联系方式吗? 3个英语学习问题请教下老师:1.在阅读和听力时有的词很熟就是想不起来,有时想会儿就想起了2.阅读时句子单词都懂的意思,就是翻译不通(不懂是不是语法欠缺)3.背书能加强语法吗,背了一 dangdangde88老师,您好!重新向您请教一个问题:我在柱式弹唱中:左手只同时弹和弦高低八度两根音;右手同时弹响和弦三个音.这样的情况下,比如从C和弦到D和弦,我均用第二转位,即:左手(1 老师您好, 请教qRT-PCR数据统计问题老师您好,请问荧光定量PCR数据统计中,control组(指实验中选取的对照组,一般为第一组)应该如何计算?由于对照组的Δct与自己相减所得的ΔΔct为0,2的0次方为1,因此重复 清平乐村居里“最喜小儿无赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬.”在诗里是读莲蓬(peng 二声)还是读轻声?网上说法不一,老师您好,我在百度查到您对轻声韵的看法,我想请教能一句诗的读法,辛弃疾最后一句溪 您好!看了您的回答,很佩服,想请教您关于FISHER线性判别的问题! 请教几个英文翻译和语法的问题?谢谢.1/she hates to sit out dance.请帮忙翻译:sit out dance是什么意思?2,when bob broke his leg in the accident,he couldn't walk for 2montgs.为什么说是两个月前摔坏了腿,而不是现在 您好,我是看到您以前回答的一个问题,(1)